
Head of HOMELAND SECURITY stays safe by…not using email. There is always that.

Here’s a brilliant way to keep your email secure. Don’t fucking use any! Goddamn. Why didn’t I think of that? I imagine it’d be harder to pull off if I was the head of something, though. If I had to run something enormous. Maybe a bloated off-shoot of the military industrial complex. Like, oh, shit, Homeland Security! I mean, I couldn’t possibly stay in contact with people without it. It’d be impossible. Right?

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New Orleans was planning on using DRONES to police the Super Bowl. Solid Snake nods.

Police state, wee! New Orleans was planning on using security drones to police the Super Bowl this next February. It didn’t come to pass, but it is a delicious look into the quiet erosion of homeland freedom and the implementation of such measures. Shh! Go to sleep.

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Homeland Security Internet Watch List Leaks! OL Sadly Unsubversive Enough.

The Department of Homeland Security’s Internet Watch List has slithered out of their corridors and into the thick mucuous membranes of the interwebs they strive to observe.

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Sony Hires Homeland Security Official, Beware PSN Hackers!

The snafu that brought Sony’s PSN to its knees isn’t likely to happen again! No siree! Sony has hired themselves an official from Homeland Security, and if there’s anything that screams raging competence its a US government official. Right? Right!

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