
Dwayne Johnson & Henry Cavill Share Holiday Greetings From Black Adam and Superman

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Someday, Black Adam and Superman are going to punch one another a lot. Which sounds fantastic. Until then, we’re going to have to sate our lust for the two of them onscreen together with a picture of the two beefcake actors playing the characters.

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Henry Cavill reveals new ‘Justice League’ Promo Art


Henry Cavill has revealed new Justice League promo art, featuring his band of dickheads getting real serious in their posing stylings. Not a particular complaint against these promo art stand-ups, though. If you’ve seen any stand-ups, you’ve seen that they’re all pretty fucking terrible.

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Confirmed: ‘Man of Steel 2’ by Cavill’s agent

Man of Steel.

You know, I’m just going to go ahead and be optimistic about the second Superman movie. You know, against all odds, I’m going to pretend that Geoff Johns’ presence in the DCU boardrooms means they’re going to *figure shit out* — and if I’m let down, I’m let down.

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Henry Cavill has shared a look at Superman’s new costume on Instagram


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If Superman doesn’t rock a fucking mullet with his black-as-fuck Superman Lives costume, it’s all for nothing. Nothing.

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‘Batman v Superman’ TV Spot: A Smoke Grenade Tricks Superman. Seriously.

So, uh. In this spot, Superman looks pretty fucking dumb. Like, a smoke grenade tricks him. Definitely not Grant Morrison’s Genius Superman from All-Star.

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‘Batman v Superman’ Final Trailer: Bruce Wayne Is Good At Fighting

Okay, I’m not going to fucking front. I smiled throughout this entire trailer. Like, I *know* that this movie is probably going to be ass. I know! But finally, a fucking *fun* trailer for the movie. Highlighting the usual Snyder imagery that tricks me into thinking I’ll enjoy his characters. I’m a sucker for flash, and fighting, and Bat-Guy and Super-Dude. If the movie could tow the line and actually just embrace its absurdity, we may be in for a good ride. The problem is that this is the first trailer that doesn’t make the entire movie feel like a slog of brooding broodiness. Who knows. I’m, at least, more excited than I’ve ever been for this movie. (Which is saying absolutely nothing, true.)

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New ‘Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice’ Trailer: The Red Capes are coming!

‘Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice’ TV Spot: “The Bat is dead. Buried.”

Man, can you imagine if Batman v Superman is good? It just sort of hit me today, watching this clip. Not that I particularly liked this clip (at all). But I’ve been writing this movie off for so long, I’ll be goddamn staggered if it actually entertains me. Like, really pleasantly surprised.

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‘Batman v Superman’ TV Spot: BatGuy is way mad Superman wrecked his car

Apparently the World’s Greatest Detective thinks it is a good idea to try and hit an Indestructible Alien with his car.

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Obvious Rumor: More Batman, Less Superman wanted in ‘Batman v Superman’ by Warner Bros.

Batman from Dawn of Justice.

Sad but true: no one gives a comparative fuck about Superman. Everyone goes goddamn crazy for the Lunatic Fascist Bat-Guy. Everyone. Myself not included. And so it makes sense that Warner Bros. wants more of the Ben Affleck-helmed Bat in Dawn of Justice. Some think this is a victory for Affleck, but I don’t. Goddamn corpse of George Carlin could be playing Batman in that movie, and everyone would want more.

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