Valve announces ‘Half-Life: Alyx’ their flagship VR game. This is not the new ‘Half-Life’ I wanted, fuck.
Hey! Want a new Half-Life game? Me too! Want it to be a flagship VR game? Me neither! But that’s what we’re getting! Half-Life: Alyx.
Watch: Ten Years of Gabe Newell talking about ‘Half-Life 3’, teasing us ruthlessly
Today marks ten fucking years since Half Life 2: Episode 3 was announced. Celebrate this death march with a compilation of Gabe Newell talking about the game for the past decade. God dammit.
Original ‘Half-Life’ writer Marc Laidlaw has left Valve
The writer of the original Half-Life has left Valve. I don’t know if this is directly impacting the development of Half-Life 3, or if the game is even *in* fucking development. But this is a bummer.
‘Half-Life 3’ added to Steam Database. But I ain’t getting excited
Half-Life 3 has been added to the Steam Database. Some will interpret this as a signal that the much-anticipated third title in the series is coming. I’m choosing to interpret it in pretty much any other way, since I don’t want to get my hopes up.
It appears that some sort of malicious douchebag planted that Half-Life 3 trademark application over in Europa or whatever. God dammit.
VALVE trademarks ‘HALF-LIFE 3’ in Europe. DON’T TEASE ME, BRO.
Probably a nothing story, but I’ll take any chance to jam a crowbar in my ass and speculate about Half-Life 3. You know, that game. The one we’ve all been waiting for since…2004? Valve has trademarked the son of a bitch in Europe. Which could mean nothing. But leave me alone, I need this.
Valve Ain’t Showing ‘HALF-LIFE 3’ At E3. I Slap Myself And Cry.
Half-Life 3. The white whale. A solid eight years since the HL2 dropped and we are still waiting for a proper sequel to one of the dopest games on the Dystopian block. That wait isn’t ending any time soon.
Valve Employee Tots Trolls Fans By Wearing ‘Half-Life 3’ T-Shirt Around Events.
We, the followers of the Free Man, demand Half-Life 3. Valve laughs at us. Points at us. According to this hilarity, also mocks us with HL3 t-shirts.