
Views From The Space-Ship: My Happy Place


Goddamn, it’s been more than two months since I rocked your calamitous bowels with a Desktop Thursdays? As Jeff Bridges said in The Fly, life finds a way to get in the way. But, I’m here now! And, I’ve got some glimpses into my existence for you fucks. I hope you’ll join me in the comments section, sharing looks into your world(s). Be they tangible, intangible, existential! If not, no worries. Enjoy the glimpse, and I’ll enjoy the artifacting of my own existence. I’ve been rummaging through previous entries into this column, and it’s fucking wild to see me in the various stages of my life.

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Views From The Space-Ship: Television is reality, and reality is less than television

desktop thursdays television is reality

Hey, comrades. How are you doing? A bit blanched by the banality of existence? A bit staggered by the Sisyphean grind that is consciousness? Well, how about I offer you a little distracting voyeurism? After all, that’s the point of Desktop Thursdays.

A look into my life! My existential, digital, and meat-case vibes.

Then, if you’re so inclined, provide me with a little material in the comments section. An escape for me through your own world(s).

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Views From The Space-Ship: autumn arrives on austere winds

autumn arrives on austere winds

It’s finally kind of, sort of, autumn here in the Northeastern arm of the Empire. The wind has gotten crispy, the leaves have gotten crispy, the heaters have gotten crispy. I’m excited! Stoked, even. I must, however, I must not glance at the weather for the upcoming week. For I shall see, I know I shall see, yet another spike in the temperature.

I’m tired of sweating, dudes. I’m tired of my balls smelling like a Dagobah swamp, dudes. Ready for the death of it all, ready to pray to the Ones That Don’t Exist that I get to witness the rebirth of it all.

But that’s neither here nor there. Or, wait, is it actually both Here and There?

Anyways, anyways, blah blah blah. This is Desktop Thursdays. A look into the life of yours truly, GarbageLord and Steward of the Space-Ship Omega. I hope you’ll share your own life in the comments section.

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Views From The Space-Ship: Booty Game Too Strong

booty game too strong

Booty Game Too Strong?! Fucking impossible! Try me, bro. When I die, I hope my epitaph reads, potentially, as such: He Died As He Lived, Worshipping The Booty. Oh fuck, Oh me, Oh my. Where I am? I got, I got the vapors. The dog’s looking at me side-eyed, and I’m worried she perceives the eventual-embolism approaching. Finally. My body and mind soaked with Dew, my loins and shirt soaked with Booty Worship.

While I’m here, before my leaves fall, let me throw this out to you, fair Garbage Lords. This late-as-fuck but hey-at-least-I’m-posting-it edition of Desktop Thursdays.

Check out my rot-gut, trash existence! Then, I beseech you, before the long night comes, share your own world(s) in the comments section.

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Views From The Space-Ship: Kick Reason To The Curb!

kick reason to the curb

It’s Desktop Thursday, on Friday! Yesterday was busy, man. But like — not in a bad way. Today is busy, man. But like — not in a bad way. I’m eyeing the end of the semester, and really, my biggest concern right now? I’m stuffed into an office, and I’m ripping an insane amount of ass-rockets. The boom, boom, boom of flatulence may very well be heard through the glass door. The boom, boom, boom of thrice-soaked cabbage-scented diaper farts may very well be smelled through the walls.

Hey, what can you do? I mean sure, I could not fart. But that I’ll get a stomachache and I ain’t about that life, you know? Wait — where the fuck are we? Oh, oh yes.

It’s a Desktop Thursday, on Friday! The weekly column where I should you my world(s). Be them virtual, textual, gastronomic, or physical. Then! Oh, then, how I hope you’ll share your own world(s) in the comments section!

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