
The Dude’s High 5s: Top 5 80s Hair Band Ballads

Hello loyal OLers.  It’s time for another obligatory musical High 5.  As I’ve admitted in the past, I know nothing of music despite actually being able to play a few instruments (besides the skin flute).  Today we’re looking back at yesteryear towards a magical time known as the ‘80s.  It was an amazing time to be alive.  MTV played music videos, Saturday mornings were filled with quality cartoons, and Han still shot first.  Also our rock was filled with hair.  The bad boy image was all the rage.  However, beyond that tough exterior our rockers wanted us to know they had feelings and shit.  So here we go; my top 5 ballads by ‘80s hair metal bands.  [Note: While some of the songs may have been recorded outside of the 80s, the bands themselves existed as hair bands in the 80s]

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