
Stunning BATMAN GRAFFITI found in abandoned building. Exploring++


This is gnarly. A redditor and his girlfriend from Belgium thought they were just going to do some run-of-the-mill urban exploring. You know, finding their way into some abandoned building. Cut themselves. Get tetanus. Probably die. However, they did one better than dying from a rusty spoon in some burned down shack. The couple stumbled across some gorgeous Batman graffiti.

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Toronto’s Mayor Releases $2 Graffiti-Reporting App. HIPSTER Narcs With High-Tech

Now you can narc people out with wonderful high-tech. Yes, you! Well, provided you live in Toronto. Thanks to an impressively douchey application released by Toronto’s mayor, you can report any sort of graffiti you come across.

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Muhammad Ali x Ryu x Street Art = Yes.

From the streets of Paris comes this ridiculously awesome street art.