

Copra - Round One.

Copra is one of resident Johnny Hotsauce’s favorite comic books. And I’ve made no secret about my desire to get into the jam. Jackknife powerbomb into the middle of the narrative-art orgy that is the title. The only problem? Since the jam is self-published, and I’m really lazy, I haven’t been able to get my paws on the Copra. But that appears to be changing in September. COLLECTION GET.

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‘TITANFALL 2’ is going MULTIPLATFORM. The Gods Be Kind.


Praise the Butt Lords, Titanfall 2 is going multiplatform. ‘Cause you see – I’m the douchebag who owns an XB1 and a PS4. However, most of my good friends are squarely in the Sony camp. They’re not frivolous pieces of shit with their money. So this means I spend a good amount of time getting thrashed by myself in Titanfall with no one to console me. Such shan’t be the case with the sequel.

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