Yeah! Man! Must be the dirty undies I’ve been huffing all day, because this picture looks out of control. Just the Sun looking all sorts of outstanding because of a Venusian eclipse. The colors, man! Popping.
First official ‘CAPTAIN AMERICA: THE WINTER SOLDIER’ photo. Carry that SHIELD like a weight.
Here. Have some Captain America: The Winter Soldier details on this fine Monday. Wash them down with an official photo.
First a baby, now 14 ADULTS “fuctionally cured” of HIV. Awesomeness and caveats.
This is righteous news. A total of 15 people have been confirmed as being “functionally cured” of HIV. There is a bit of a winding road that leads to both what constitutes their cures and how it is done, but the news is generally pretty awesome.
‘GRAND THEFT AUTO V’ promotional swag leaks. Plus! Posters.
The drums of war go boom-boom or something, heralding the approach of the next GTA. These drums bring with them promotional leaks and posters for those who are interested. I assume you are interested.
‘CHINESE ZODIAC’ TEASER TRAILER: Jackie Chan in a rollerblading suit. What the f**k, yes.
I hadn’t even heard of this shit until today, and now my mind is blown. Jackie Chan is all done up in a fucking rollerblading suit in the trailer for Chinese Zodiac. A film, which if it is anything like its teaser trailer, will be of the utmost amazing ridiculousness.
VIDEO of CURIOSITY’S descent onto Mars. Super space bulge.
This video of Curiosity’s descent onto Mars is only stop motion, but it’s a delicious taste of the footage to come. Crank the son of a bitch up to its highest resolution, squint your eyes, and party hard.