
‘Gears 5’ Trailer: New Lead Protagonist, Same Old Chainsaw Crew

I don’t know, it’s Gears of War. It doesn’t seem to be doing anything necessarily new, but I’m sure it’ll be a competent and fleetingly enjoyable experience.

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Rumor: Three ‘Gears of War’ games being announced at E3. When you have *almost* no exclusive franchises, milk the ones you have to death

three gears of war games e3

This is one way for Microsoft to get around the fact that their Triple A exclusive franchises are almost completely non-existent. Milk one of the two remaining ones you have to absolute fucking death.

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Rumor: ‘Borderlands 3’, ‘Gears of War 5’, ‘Just Cause 4’ and more leaked by Walmart’s Canadian website

walmart borderlands 3 gears of war 5 just cause 4 leak

Fucking classic uber-fail by Walmart’s Canadian website, folks. The Great White North’s iteration of the Big Box Blight  leaked a slew of upcoming gaming titles. The only consolation? Most of them were already expected to be coming down the pipe.

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