
Capcom Opening Their Own Bar. Get Drunk, Hadouken All Over Yourself.

A match made in Heaven. Capcom and a drinking establishment. Wait, what?

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Press Start!: Obama Funds Socialist Groups With Skyrim Farming.

Oh, hello there friends. How is the Internet treating you today? Reblog that animated gif of the cat skulking quick on Tumblr and come back to me. I’ll wait. You here? Aiight, ballin’. This here is Press Start! It’s a gaming column turned Nonsense Collective where we chat about the week in gaming. Pour yourself a glass of your favorite drink – but Jesus Christ if you’re a friend of Bill W. don’t break your fucking sobriety this close to Christmas on my accord – and let’s chat the Light Polygonal. I list five things that caught my eye in gaming this week, and you retort with clearly superior choices. I’ll nod, praise you, and we’ll all leave happy.

Why Miles Davis? ‘Cause with swag that hard he goes where he wants.

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Home Robbery Happens During Xbox Live Match, Other Gamer Notifies Police. Community!

During the wee hours of Tuesdays morning, a dude was engaged in some quality Xbox-ing when his home was broken into. It was dire circumstances! However, thanks to the quality community of Xbox Live (lol right?), the police were notified.

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Kinect Helps Two High School Kids Win $100,000 National Science Prize. Swag.

The Kinect. I’ll let you in on a secret. I cracked, gave into curiosity, and asked for one for Christmas. Call it the Child of Eden  effect. Whatever you feel about it as Gaming’s Future, its technology has been leveraged into some dope things. The most recent? A national science prize for two high schoolers.

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The Truth of the ‘Skyrim’ Time Machine.

[Enlarge. | Via.]

The accuracy of this shit is unnerving. The Skyrim. It has…abilities.

GamePro Closes Its Print and Digital Doors. F**k That Magazine.

GamePro was pretty rad at one point. Then I came to resent the shit out of it. It lived on, as other gaming magazines I loved died, and died, and died. Now it has finally succumbed, and I scratch dirt on its grave.

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Video: Pee-Based Video Games Hit Urinals In UK. Wicked Pissah?

Piss-based urinal games have been holding it down in Japan for a while, but their beauty, elegance, and urine-soaked pants side effects have been marching West. The UK has got these glories, and I can only watch the forthcoming video in jealousy.

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Video: BioWare’s New Project Gets Explosion-Y Teaser.

Spike’s Totally Awesome Boner Jam Video Games Award Show is promising some reveals this year, per usual. One of them is the next BioWare joint, which is surprisingly from a new BioWare studio. Want to see the teaser for the teaser? It’s looking all  disappointedly  Modern Warfare-y with sandy tones and tanks. (I know I’ll love it.)

Hit the jump to check it out.

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Video: Dumped Master Chief Roams Streets, Buys Halo.

Eric Smith was dumped by his would-be wife and handled it like a total boss. In what can only been described as the geek equivalent of a Charlie Sheen psychological wunder-state, he’s since done the following. Sold that ring. Bought a set of Mjolnir armor. Roamed the streets while going to buy Halo: Revamped HD Bullcrap Anniversary edition. It’s tremendous.

Eric Smith, hats off.

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‘Mass Effect 3’ Collector’s Edition To Come With Bonus Character, Robot Dog, And More.

BioWare’s dropped a video revealing the contents of Mass Effect 3’s collector’s edition. I don’t usually swing for these luxuries, but I’m going all-out for the final installment in my favorite franchise’s first trilogy.

Hit the jump for details and video.

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