
Light From Alien SUPER-EARTH Seen For 1st Time. Yeah, NASA!

Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh, this is getting my goddamn jollies off. Cover your eyes, close your mouth. There’s excite-fluids being flung. NASA has detected light from an alien “Super-Earth” for the first time. How, you ask? Hope you got a minute.

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Galaxy Full Of Diamond Planets? Cosmic Blood Bling.

The universe revels in its ability to put the mind-boggling and wonderful just within our reach. We can see it, perceive it, never touch at. At least not yet. I mean fuck, the cruelty! Who wouldn’t want to get to a galaxy full of diamond planets?

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The Leo Triplet Is Three Galaxies Hangin’ Out Close To One Another, Being Gorgeous.

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The Leo Triplet is a group of three galaxies just hangin’ out, being all gorgeous together. The galaxies which are similar to our own Milky Way goodness are located 35 million light years away, and they hold the record for cosmic relay. Or something.

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Yo, The Pisces Constellation Got Itself Some Weird Galaxies.

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Behind the stars that form the Pisces constellation, there’s some flamboyant galaxies. When you’re in (relatively, but of course everything is relative) close proximity to a total famous constellation, you’re going to have to do things to stand out. Right? Right!

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