


Looks like 50% of the fucking Gangster Squad is becoming considered to don the cowl for Batman vs Superman vs Batman: The Dark Guy Strikes Things or whatever. And if they can’t get them, Warner Bros is only considering like 3,000 other people.

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So an overrated, under-talented hack of a director and a washed-up, ideologically shifted writer walk into a bar. That’s uh, that’s all I got. Oh, I guess I could say this: I could not give less of a fuck about Frank Miller and Zack Snyder meeting to discuss how the former is going to shit all over the buttocks of the latter’s seminal work. You know, in an attempt to pay homage. Or be inspired by it. Or whatever.

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Joseph Gordon-Levitt joining ‘SIN CITY 2’, passing on Guardians.

Looks like you can scratch one name off the infinite list of people up for the lead role in Guardians. Batman-Robin has left the running, instead deciding to hang out in Sin City.

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‘SIN CITY: A DAME TO KILL FOR’ Gets Release Date; Alba and Rourke Confirmed.

Wee! The Sin City Hopes You’re Not Tired Of Its Visual Motif  train continues onward! Into the sky! Into infinity! Into theaters next October! Oh, look at that segue. The touch. The power.

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Terrorist Claims BATMAN Inspired Him To Act. Frank Miller Broods

Frank Miller is going to be pissed. A convicted terrorist referenced Batman in his explanations, and it doesn’t take a genius to figure out it’s probably Dickhead Batman that Miller created many moons ago.

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‘SIN CITY 2: A DAME TO KILL FOR’ Is Happening. Casting Begins Next Week, Shooting This Summer

I’m not certain many of us around the OLverse care about a sequel to Sin City  anymore, but we’re finally getting it. Casting for A Dame To Kill For  will kick off next week, with filming going down this summer. Ya heard!

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Batman Goes Apeshit.

To obtain my undergraduate degree, I attended a liberal arts school in Boston. As such, it was expected that I not only study the things that I’m interested in and want to make a career out of, but a bunch of other random shit as well. While initially seeming like a bad idea, it actually gave me the opportunity to learn some things that I never would’ve otherwise.

During one especially boring semester, I decided to take Computer Hacking 1101: Introduction to 1337 Systems. Although the class wasn’t applicable to anything I wanted to do in the long-term, I learned some cool tricks for stealing government information, manipulating my income tax returns, and contacting Morpheus. But the best thing I learned was how to hack into the SECRET FILES of my favorite companies.

What I now present is an actual document I obtained while hacking away at the servers over at DC Comics. From what I can tell, it is an actual promo poster that is going to be used for what could be the most sensational limited series of all time.

I mean, what a concept! What a creative team! Fuck, just check it out for yourself!

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Holy Terror! Incendiary. Offensive. Gorgeous.

For the better part of a decade, the comics world has been keeping its eyes on Frank Miller’s Holy Terror.   Fans and pundits alike have relentlessly debated the project, needing not even a full page’s glimpse to form an opinion. Which, I suppose, was necessary, seeing as Miller played the hand so close to his chest that news was released only in infrequent snippets.

Occasional whispers of plot. Breathy sighs of editorial tumult. Stifled chuckles of creative insanity.

Lest we not forget that at one time Holy Terror was titled Holy Terror, Batman! The premise was simple: Batman and Catwoman are caught in the midst of a terrorist attack (ala 9/11) and then take it upon themselves to strike back against Al Qaeda. Depending on whose doing the `splaining, Miller’s intention was either to pay homage to classic WWII propaganda comics or simply to vent his anti-Muslim vitriol via the medium he’s helped redefine on multiple occasions.

Of course, DC Comics ain’t in the business of losing business, so Bruce Wayne and Selina Kyle were never given the green light to hunt terrorists. Instead, Miller tells his story by employing The Fixer and the Cat Burglar, analogs probably just different enough to give some peace of mind to the legal department at Legendary Comics (publisher of Holy Terror). So again, it’s The Fixer and Cat Burglar that seek assistance of Dan Donegal (who’s totally  not Jim Gordon) to seek revenge.

You might think that Frank Miller prefers using The Fixer so that the Batman purists aren’t offended. But you’d be wrong – dead wrong. In fact, the man’s even said that he hopes this book pisses people off.

Well, yesterday finally saw the release of Holy Terror and I’ve had given it a couple of read-throughs. Now, it’s time to sift through ten years worth of questions posed by both advocates and detractors, to figure out how the story stacks up. Does it trivialize world-issues by painting them in black-and-white terms and solving them with superheroics? Is it artful? Has Frank Miller gone off the deep end? Is it entertaining? Does it fall short of the expectations? Is it worth purchasing?

The answer, to all of the above, is a resounding yes.

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‘Sin City 2’ Script Being Written! By ‘The Departed’ Screenwriter William Monahan

Well I don’t believe it. Sin City 2 could actually be happening. I know, I know. Seems a bit ludicrous, we’ve been tricked before! I have proof now! Proof! They have a screenwriter. That has to count for something,right?

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Image: Poster for Frank Miller’s ‘Holy Terror’. Don’t Know, Man.

Legendary Entertainment has premiered their poster to hype-up Frank Miller’s forthcoming ultra-bloody possibly-super-offensive graphic novel, Holy Terror.

Hit the jump to check it out.

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