
Mark Zuckerberg Will Cash In For A Billion When Facebook Goes Public.

When Facebook goes public, Marky Zucks is going to cash in like a mofuckah. A-billi-a-billi-a-billi!

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Facebook Adds ORGAN DONOR Status; Gimme Dat Kidney.

Facebook is adding an organ donor status to their already chock-full list of life details you can spout off for people to stalk over. I’m not certain, but I’m certain  this is going to be an organs black market dream.

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FACEBOOK Buying INSTAGRAM For $1 Billion. Service Officially Not Cool

…Just kidding, Instagram. I still love you. You can tell my love is true because I’m going to continue using you in light of recent news.

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FACEBOOK Trying To Assert Trademark On Word ‘BOOK’. F**king Spare Us

It’s becoming a small world, with many a Monolith gobbling up all the objects, corporations, technologies, and most importantly, rights that it can. Facebook is one Lord among many, but it should be applauded for how douchey its latest move is. They are trying to assert their trademark on the word book. Yes. Book.

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Yahoo Sues FACEBOOK For Patent Infringement. Good Luck With that!

Living in a post-legal world where it’s not about adhering to the law but rather being Titanic and Rich, this is a bit amusing. Yahoo has decided to sue the Leviathan. May the Gods smile upon you.

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Facebook IPO Could Net California $2.5 Billion In Tax Revenue. Make It Rain!

California is looking to make some serious cheddar when Facebook goes public. Though Facebook has yet to go public, wizards with calculators are estimating that it could net Facebook billions in income taxes.

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Woman Arrested For Selling $1 Million In Fake Facebook Stock.

Shit, can’t blame  Marianne Oleson for trying. Making moves! Making moves. In a truly Zuckerbergian move, she decided to get her  entrepreneur  on. By, you know, selling fake Facebook stock. A lot of it.

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WSJ: Facebook Could File For IPO As Early As Wednesday.

The WSJ is claiming that Facebook could finally go head and gets its IPO on soon. Dang soon. Wednesday soon.

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Facebook Getting Hulu Integration, Meet Facehulu. (Didn’t Make That Up.)

Facebook is endeavoring to integrate everything  ever  into it. The latest application to be swallowed whole and reappropriated within the confines of the Social Network Juggernaut is Hulu. Now you can watch all those episodes of Glee with fellow Gleeks without having to navigate out of your Gleeky chat.

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Facebook Now Lets You Export Your Friends’ Email Addresses. Oh Yes.

For years I’ve been gathering friends on Facebook. People I barely know. Click Friend Request. Click. Click. All part of a master scheme of sending a fair amount of strangers pictures of testicles dressed up as Super Mario from random email addresses. The only sticking point is how to collate all of these email addresses. Facebook has given me a new tool of destruction, the ability to download all of my friends’ contact data. If they opt-in. Opt-in. Please.

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