
Marvel launching ‘All-New, All-Different’ Universe this September

all-new all-diff

Marvel is doubling down on reconfiguring their Universe this September, post-Secret Wars. And I have to say, I’m intrigued. I’m intrigued, and really confused. How will this universe shake out? Who is stepping into the role of classic heroes? What is canon? What isn’t canon? Maybe, just maybe this confusion is what Marvel wants. My intriguing leading to them making them ducats as I buy issues to find out. And as an aside: “All-New, All-Different” line-up they say. Yet it’s boring ass Iron Man smack dab right in the middle of the promo image, fwiw.

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‘BORDERLANDS 2’ COME AND GET IT TRAILER: Jesus is it September yet?

Which dude has totally already ordered the Borderlands 2 Super Deluxe Vault Hunter Wallet Fucking edition? This guy. I cannot wait for this goddamn game. Every time there is new material dropped into the advertising gullet from Gearbox, I find myself chugging Diet Mountain Dews and tying my happy noose around my auto-erotic neck. Somehow I wake up in my car, covered in blood and animal fur. I figure this is more or less just a fantastic way to prepare for this title.

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