
‘THE AMAZING SPIDER-MAN’ WonderCon Details: Emma Stone As Mary Jane And More.

Well then! There was some worthwhile fuzz to report from the Amazing Spider-Man panel at WonderCon.  Most notable is the fact that Emma Stone was originally brought in to play Mary Jane, before taking on the role of Gwen Stacy. Wait! – buh! It almost makes too much sense, since Stone is known for his red hair. Despite it being a dye job! A dye job! The horror.

Hit the jump for more details.

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Video: First Clip From ‘The Amazing Spider-Man’ Is More Like ‘Blasé Peter Parker’

Rendar alerted me to the existence of this clip and told me it was good. I watched it, and asked him why it was good. He then said “well, it wasn’t bad”, to which I agreed. This raised the question, why would The Powers That Be use this clip from The Amazing Spider-Man? Eh!?

Who knows. Hit the jump to check it out.

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New Hi-Res Pictures From ‘The Amazing Spider-Man’ Article In EW.

When it rains hi-res pictures it fucking pours them. Following up some hi-res goodies from ‘The Hobbit’ today comes a blow-out of pictures from the Amazing Spider-Man. Courtesy of Entertainment Weekly! Who in exchange for quality exclusives like this sucks on the cock of every awful and mediocre blockbuster ever it seems.

Whatever!  Anyways!

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First Look At Andrew Garfield As Peter Parker! Set Photos A-Go-Go!

Let’s play the game! The first set photos have leaked of Andrew Garfield as Peter Parker! Now, it’s up to us to complete the second part of the game. We stare at these pictures long and hard. With our fanboy nerd goggles on. Then we get hyper-analytic and needlessly extrapolate!

Hit the jump for the pictures, and don’t forget to either laud or praise the film based on these pictures alone!

It’s your nerd civic duty.

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New Spider-Man Movie To Spider-Crap On Mythos?

Completely sensationalist title! Ha! I got you! And I just stole your cookie, what the fuck are you going to do? But no seriously. Apparently Emma Stone was on Jay Leno last night, and she dropped the claim that she’s going to be around for a few web-slinging flicks. When Jay asked how long she’ll be keeping her blond hair, she responded “There’s a few Spidermen, so I may have to keep it for a couple of years.”


Every Spider-Man dude knows that Gwen bites the fucking bullet hard. It’s one of the multitude of reasons that Parker is a whiny bitch. But! Could they be changing something? Is Gwen going to live? Sure, her surviving one film doesn’t mean she isn’t going to die eventually. However, let’s dare to dream. I’d be very excited if they decided to keep Gwen as Parker’s main squeeze.

Not only have we done the whole courting of Mary Jane, but I’m going to hit you guys with something: I fucking hate Mary Jane. Yeah, I know she symbolizes the impossibility that the average nerd can’t attain. What is more of an accomplishment than the dweeb acquiring the supermodel who gets him?

Not much.

But I’ve always preferred Stacy to MJ, and if this means she’ll be keeping a pulse for the foreseeable future, then good.

Spider-Man Set Photos Feature Gwen Stacy Looking Dour As Hell

Someone is going to a funeral! As Spider-Man begins shooting this week, the first set photos have dropped. Just what the fuck is going on here? Slashfilm speculates that Gwen is attending (spoilers, fools) the funeral of her father. Apparently Father Stacy   passes away in the comic books and implores Spidey to watch over Gwen. Guess he’s going to be pretty upset that its his webbing that snaps her damn neck in the funnies.

But also, why not Uncle Ben’s funeral? Who knows.

Hit the jump for the pictures.

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First Look At Emma Stone As Gwen Stacy


..Sort of? Psyche! Total tabloid title there. But yeah, this is a look at Emma Stone with blond hair. Stone, a natural blond is known for rocking a firey mane. But with Stacy being an Aryan posterchild, she took it back to her roots. Literally! LOL, I’m a comedian. Puns ahoy!

But seriously, she looks fucking gorgeous. And very Gwen Stacy. I’m sold, super sold. I was sold before, and now I’m doubling-down. A double order of yes.

Hit the jump for more pictures of her loving ridiculously Gwen Stacy-esque.

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Emma Stone Is Cast As Gwen Stacy; Emma, How’s Your Neck, LOL? [Fuck You.]

I know that I didn’t cover any of the casting for the new X-Men movie, and here I am jerking off over the Spider-Man sheez. Well, I’ll inform you as to why I am behaving in this manner! At the time, I didn’t give a fuck about First Class. Forgive me! I’m sort of coming around on it now, though.

However, given that Marc Webb made my weepy, pussy, emo child heart leap and sing with 500 Days of Summer, I’ve been invested in his whole Spider-man reboot enterprise. Well come today, we find out that Emma Stone is going to be playin’ Gwen Stacy in the next movie. Say word? Say word! Stone was pretty dope in Zombieland and Superbad, and though I haven’t seen it, I’ve been told that Easy A is pretty snazzy.

I’m sold on it, yo. When they had reported that she was going to be MJ (since she’s always rocking red hair), I was like, oh? But now that she’s Gwen Stacy, I’m all, oh!

Yeah, I’m just babbling. Here’s hoping that Stone’s neck breaks and we all are moved by it. [Confused and aghast? LEARN YOUR LORE KID.]