
‘DESTINY’ cost Activision $500 MILLI. HALF A F**KIN BILLION


Yeah, so. Like. Activision is-spending-will-spend-has-spent fucking $500 million on Destiny? Good luck with that, guys. Like, I’m buying the game. I know a lot of people who are buying the game. But recouping that sort of cheddar? Uhhh. Here’s looking at the long game, it seems.

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Activision: ‘DESTINY’ is like totally going to be “BEST SELLING” original game ever


Activision! Bold words. Or are they? I’m no economist. No projector of market forces. However, it doesn’t seem too daring to predict that Destiny may end up as the best selling original game ever. That’s the crux of the argument. New game! Like, Halo 5 may outsell it, but it’s a sequel to an established franchise.

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Bungie’s ‘DESTINY’ gets an OFFICIAL RELEASE DATE next September.


Bungie’s Destiny finally has a hard release date. Seriously. Go ahead. Bite it. Your little bone-protrusions will give before the date does. Ouch, right? The bad news? The game ain’t dropping for a good, long, while.

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Press Start: Nut Sacks & Narcissism


Something has happened to me lately, something that is causing me to feel old; dusty; a withered nut suck harping on about how the purity of gaming is becoming lost. I hate myself for it, but struggle as I might, it seems that I can’t make sense of something. I can’t explain what is going on with Bungie’s newest game –Destiny.

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Bungie reveals ‘DESTINY’, sort of. Hope you like f**king concept art.


Bungie has like, sort of technically revealed Destiny. It is a reveal, if you consider dropping a lot of buzzwords, hype, promises, and concept art as a reveal. Which I sort of do. However, at this point in the fucking charade, I imagine the rest of the public wants something more substantial. Don’t get me wrong, it is sexy concept art. But I mean, it is ephemeral as fuck. After years of murmurings, the company behind Halo sated its public with more morsels than anything else. C’mon Bungie. I want to be excited about your game. Throw me something concrete.

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Bungie: ‘DESTINY’ concept art is legit proof of their post ‘HALO’ existence.

A shit load of art and story details from Bungie’s next work, Destiny has leaked. The company could have played it cool, denying the material. You know, brushing off their shoulder. In what is a bit surprising to me, the company has been all like, “Cyeah, that shit is ours. Hope you dig it, dick heads.” Hit the jump for info and images.

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Bungie’s Next Game Is ‘SCI-FANTASY, ACTION SHOOTER’…According to Court Records.

There were a lot of things I expected out of the Activision vs. Electronic Arts grudge match: namely wasting money and hair-pulling. What I didn’t expect was to find Bungie’s next game  inadvertently  revealed.

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