Denis Villeneuve’s ‘Blade Runner 2’ starring Gosling and Ford is filming in July
I will watch anything that Denis Villeneuve does. Sicario, Enemy, and Prisoners are my fucking shiiittt!!! So, having him on-board gets me excited for any project, and it *at least* assuages my trepidation about a Blade Runner sequel. A bit.
Ryan Gosling confirms he is in ‘Blade Runner 2’
We don’t need Blade Runner 2. But really, we seldom need a sequel. So instead I’m going to focus on the positive aspects of Blade Runner 2. Cyberpunk. Denis Villeneuve. Ryan Gosling.
Tuesday Afternoon Commute: Dad Says The Atomic Bomb Is A High-Five From Zeus
Welcome! SpartanFuckLords! To Tuesday Afternoon Commute! The day late edition of Monday Morning Commute! I’ll level with you. I worked until 7:45 pm yesterday. By the time I got home (8:30), ate dinner (turkey chili) and began to relax (put on sweatpants and ate an entire box of Star Wars Chez-Its while laying down), I was no longer willing to open my backpack. Unleash my computer. Type up this column! But now it’s here! Monday Morning Commute! By way of Tuesday Afternoon Commute!
This column! Where we share the ArtsFartsBooksBeatsVideoGamesEtc we are looking forward to enjoying during a given week! I’ll go first! Then you share what you’re up to this week! What are you drinking? Playing? Reading? Ruminating over? Let me know~
Roger Deakins: ‘Blade Runner’ Sequel will be a standalone
Cinematographer Roger Deakins is going to be rocking the Blade Runner sequel, and the world will be better for it. Recently Deakins was talking about the film, and revealed that the movie will be a standalone movie.
‘Blade Runner’ sequel being shot by one of the greatest cinematographers. Ever.
Fuck, man. How am I not supposed to be excited about Blade Runner 2: Unnecessary Sequel? Ryan Gosling. Denis Villeneuve. And now Roger Deakins.
‘Blade Runner’ sequel being helmed by Denis Villeneuve, director of ‘Enemy’ and ‘Prisoners’
Call me a replicant and send me to work in the Salt Mines upon Planet Priapism. With one gnarly directorial acquisition the people behind Blade Runner 2: Han Solo’s Revenge have gotten me to care about the movie.
Monday Morning Commute: Slow Cook The Human Potroast
Whoops! Late on the Monday Morning Commute tip. Didn’t realize it was going to be floating in flux this week. Then it occurred to me that Rendarbones Frankenpepsi is currently en route across the vast distance of the Empire in some sort of silver tube that is intent on dying God’s will. So provided that he doesn’t crash into the side of a Mountain (death is only a transition, he’d be reborn in Earth^42, so don’t cry), he’ll be back next week. However for now you’re dealing with my hurried, blast beat-esque rundown of what I’m enjoying this week. That’s what we do around here. In Monday Morning Commute.