
Weekend Open Bar: It’s a blue world without you

weekend open it's a blue world

It’s a blue world without you, my friends. The fellows of Space-Ship Omega. What’s a world without friends, compatriots, and fellow mudders through the malaise of Existence. Fuck, do I enjoy hanging out with you all. And, I hope you’ll spend the weekend with me! Here at the Open Bar!

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Monday Morning Commute: It’s supposed to be easier than this (promised no one)

monday morning commute its supposed to be easier

I know that I haven’t written a Monday Morning Commute in a hot minute, and if truth be told, I don’t want to be writing one now! Hey, how’s that for a hello! But, I gotta admit. It’s just tough to get the juice needed to spin one. However what I know is this: for every week a skip, it becomes more difficult. So here I am, friends. Every once in a while I wax nostalgic here, a bit lachrymal. Despite closing in on a solid fucking decade of OL this August (I say goddamn!), there’s always a bit of me that misses the old days.

What can ya do, nothing gold can stuff. And, if gold can’t stay, imagine the lasting power of this shambling space-ship in the middle of Oblivion.

So even though these posts feel more like Captain’s Logs chronicling the end-run of blog entropy rather than a communal experience these days, I’m here! And this is what I’m digging and anticipating this week.

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Omega Plays: Dead Cells – Return of the Living Dickheads!

By God! We finally finish Dead Cells on stream! Talk some fucking zombie movies! Shit on Godzilla for a bit. Overall, full-on dickhead good time!

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Streaming tonight! 10pm Eastern! You know the drill!

Omega Plays: Dead Cells – The Pros and Cons of Crapping Your Pants, Obviously.

Wednesday Afternoon Commute: Take a fucking breath!

monday morning commute take a breath

I’m late, but I’m here, motherfuckers! Here with another Monday Morning Commute! The weekly catch-all column where we (usually just me screaming into the wind, tbh) gather to share what we’ve have been enjoying the past week. What we’re going to be enjoying this week. And, generally just fucking around. I’ll go first, because I’m tardy as fuck. But, I hope you’ll join me in the comments section. Let’s go, comrades!

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Monday Morning Commute: Have fun, eat sweets, try to walk and exercise!

monday morning commute have fun eat sweets

Holy shit, I’m alive! I’m a-l-i-v-e! I promise, I’m alive. This definitely isn’t a re-constituted Digi-ian communicating to you from beyond the Physical Realm. I promise. Anyways, how the fuck are you? Me? I’m doing okay. I’m not, praise the Elder Gods, tutoring this summer.

What does that mean? It means that I have some time to convalesce, ingest media, and eat too much before my summer class(es).

So, in the spirit of Corpulent Media Consumption, here’s what I’m absorbing into my totally-not-a-digital-construct of a brain this week. I hope you’ll join me in the comments section!

This is Monday Morning Commute!

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Omega Plays: Dead Cells – Part Something – Alongside our ‘Dead Cells’ master of a friend!

We returned to what’s hopefully “regular” streaming this week with a guest in tow, our friend Tommy. He’s been playing and mastering Dead Cells the last few months, as we’ve been playing Dead Cells and talking about 80s movies and boners. So, he was able to show us pretty much how to properly play the game. We’re talking synergy and stats and shit.

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‘Dead Cells’ has sold over 2 million fucking copies, as it should, because it’s amazing!

dead cells 2 million

Bateman and I have been playing Dead Cells for about, three months? Given, we play it once (or twice) a week, but still. Despite having beaten it multiple times, it’s just…just so fucking good. Therefore, I’m fucking torqued it’s a success. Well done, everyone.

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Monday Morning Commute: Say My Name!

monday morning commute say my name

Oh! I bet you thought you’d seen the last of me, huh? Oh, you didn’t? Just assumed I was in some sort of depressive, hermetic state? And that I’d emerge eventually, temporarily recharged? Well, fuck. You know me! Anyways, hey! Great to be here. Great to see you. Your teeth look wonderful, and your genitals look plump. Fantastic, fantastic! Anyways, I won’t belabor you much longer with this viciously verbose opening. Instead, I’ll pivot to the purpose of this here post, Monday Morning Commute!

To tell you what I’m enjoying lately. Be it active enjoyments, or portents of fun things on the horizon this week.

Then, per usual, I hope you’ll share your own warm-and-fuzzies in the comments section.

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