I was that fucking asshole who used to read the choose your own adventure books in a linear fashion. I kept fucking dying! It was horse shit. Despite growing up (a smidge), I’m not sure I won’t do whatever approximates the same behavior with these new DC digital comics that replicate the experience.
DC has got itself a logo for Super-guy’s 75th anniversary. The logo itself isn’t really wonderful, but hey. At least it isn’t so garish that it makes my eyes bleed.
Get it? Kal-Hell? This new TV spot for The Movie of the Summer (you heard it here first) features a rather perturbed lookin’ Superman ready to lay down some whuppings.
Sign me up.
Court ruling finds ‘SUPERMAN’ back in Warner Bros. and DC Comics’ greasy paws.
Fuck Warner Bros! As of right now, I am publicly rescinding the pitch I sent to them. You know, the pitch about the bi-polar kid so hopped up on caffeine he literally pierces time and space with one frothy piss. Once he clambers into the other dimension, he finds a pet unicorn who he falls in love with. After a prolonged courting process, they make love. The kid dies almost immediately. I rescind all of this, because Warner Bros. will just make like a zillion bucks off it and I’ll get nothing. Nothing!
Zack Snyder: ‘MAN OF STEEL’ keeping things on course for ‘JUSTICE LEAGUE.’ Wee?
Lost in the noise regarding JGL donning Batman’s mantle – possibly – is this white noise eminating out of Zack Snyder’s throat. Homeboy is throwing down about Man of Steel, and how it will tie into DC’s Not Avengers. Normally I’d be breathing hot fart hate, but I quite enjoyed the teaser trailer for the film. Keeping that in mind, while ruminating on the hot groin love of 300, I will try and mitigate my snark.
DC “pulling back” on variant covers. Despite release FIFTY-TWO variants of ‘JLA’ #1. Lawl.
Don’t ever start making sense, DC. I’d hate to take you pig-greasers seriously. Or rather, take the minds at the top making all the puke-covered decisions. I take a lot of the creative minds at the joint very seriously. The latest noise coming out of their Den is that they plan on pulling back on variant covers. This is said, of course, in light of the news that they’re dropping fifty-two variants for JLA #1.
John Hodgman on why COMICS CONTINUITY sucks. (He’s correct.)
Fuck continuity. It serves, more often than not, only to incite fanboy rage and nit-picking. I don’t think it’s a coincidence that most of my favorite comic tales are Elseworlds or tales that take place in the future. They’re liberated from constrains that serve more to jerk off history than to give the world a richness. I’m feeling you, John Hodgman!
More of GREG RUCKA’S comments on how the BIG TWO treat creators. Props ++
It’s been a good year for creators speaking out on how the Big Two comic book publishers have essentially devolved into churn factories for movie properties. Not certain that anything good will come to pass from it (hint: Rendar and I haven’t bought a comic book in a month, if you’re wondering our feelings on the industry), but it’s invigorating to see people speaking up. Greg Rucka has once again stepped into the batter’s box. Here is more from his interview with Clint magazine that we covered earlier in the week.
MARK MILLAR and other good souls take down an online bully douche.
Despite being woefully offensive in his comic blatherings, Mark Millar seems to be quite the solid dude. He recently joined forces with the Power of the Internet to fell some malicious online douchebag.