
Ben Affleck has written script for ‘Batman’ solo movie; only contracted for ‘Justice League’ movies

Ben Affleguysz

Thing we probably thought we knew, but didn’t know for sure, but now is sure: Ben Affleck has written a script for a Batman movie. Thing we probably didn’t think we knew, but didn’t know for sure, but now is sure: despite having written the script for a Batman movie, Ben Affleck ain’t contracted for one. I have to imagine this will get done, though, I mean, right? The common refrain coming out of BvS is, is, is, is, “well, I can’t wait for the solo Batman movie”, right?

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‘Batman v Superman’ International Trailer: *Even* *More* *Intensity*

Non-News: ‘Captain America: Civil War’ is Marvel’s longest movie yet

Captain America - Civil War

Everyone is reporting on the new Avengers movie’s runtime. I didn’t think it was particularly newsworthy, but I’m also a sheep. So uh, here you go. Marvel’s made its longest movie yet.

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‘Batman v Superman’ TV Spot: A Smoke Grenade Tricks Superman. Seriously.

So, uh. In this spot, Superman looks pretty fucking dumb. Like, a smoke grenade tricks him. Definitely not Grant Morrison’s Genius Superman from All-Star.

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‘Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice’ Teaser: Meet The Batmobile

The wheels on the Batmobile go vroom, vroom, vroom. Vroom, vroom, vroom. The Bat-Man in the Batmobile goes brood, brood, brood. Brood, brood, brood.

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‘Batman v Superman’ Final Trailer: Bruce Wayne Is Good At Fighting

Okay, I’m not going to fucking front. I smiled throughout this entire trailer. Like, I *know* that this movie is probably going to be ass. I know! But finally, a fucking *fun* trailer for the movie. Highlighting the usual Snyder imagery that tricks me into thinking I’ll enjoy his characters. I’m a sucker for flash, and fighting, and Bat-Guy and Super-Dude. If the movie could tow the line and actually just embrace its absurdity, we may be in for a good ride. The problem is that this is the first trailer that doesn’t make the entire movie feel like a slog of brooding broodiness. Who knows. I’m, at least, more excited than I’ve ever been for this movie. (Which is saying absolutely nothing, true.)

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New ‘Batman v Superman’ Photo: Bruce Wayne and his Financial Building Smolder

Listen: Batman’s New Theme from ‘Batman v Superman’

Official ‘Justice League’ promo art shows The Flash, Cyborg

‘Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice’ TV Spot: “The Bat is dead. Buried.”

Man, can you imagine if Batman v Superman is good? It just sort of hit me today, watching this clip. Not that I particularly liked this clip (at all). But I’ve been writing this movie off for so long, I’ll be goddamn staggered if it actually entertains me. Like, really pleasantly surprised.

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