
Rumor | Duncan Jones’ For ‘The Wolverine’?

Moon was fucking phenomenal. Source Code was good, fun, solid sci-fi. Duncan Jones is a current favorite of mine. Now he could be doing ‘The Wolverine’?

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Darren Aronofsky No Longer Directing ‘The Wolverine.’

Darren Aronofsky has dropped out of the director’s chair for The Wolverine. In the blink of an eye, one of my more anticipated superhero movies has transformed into a movie I couldn’t give less of a fuck about.

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Aronofsky’s Next Project Is “Noah”, Set In A Biblical Apocalypse. Yes.

Last month Darren Aronofsky revealed he had plans for a graphic novel he wanted to parlay into a flick. Some peeps speculated that it may have been an alteration of his Batman pitch back in the day. Well, then folks are wrong. Today we know what it is, and it sounds fucking awesome. The graphic novel is Noah, and it is an adaptation of one of Aronofsky’s unproduced flicks. The project will be released in 2012, and is being illustrated by Pride of Baghdad’s Nico Henrichon. Hungry for more?

io9 Drops Some Details:

It’s a really cool project and I think it’s really timely because it’s about environmental apocalypse which is the biggest theme, for me, right now for what’s going on on this planet. So I think it’s got these big, big themes that connect with us. Noah was the first environmentalist. He’s a really interesting character. Hopefully they’ll let me make it.

Hit the jump for a promotional video featuring Henrichon’s artwork.

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Darren Aronofsky’s Batman Pitch To Be Made Into Comic/Movie. Maybe?

Way back in the day, before the Nolanverse Batman flicks, Darren Aronofsky was up for the project. His premise was fucking insane:

Among other things, Bruce flees after his parents are murdered, and goes to live above a car garage with Big Al, and his son Little Al. Big Al eventually dies, and Little Al becomes Bruce’s mentor and the “Alfred” figure. Bruce turns a Lincoln Continental into his Batmobile, but he doesn’t really set out to be a bat – he disguises himself first with a scar, then with a hockey mask and cape. He is hitting criminals with his father’s old signet ring, leaving the initials “TW” on their faces – but everybody thinks this looks like a bat-shape, and they start calling him the Batman. So he finally decides to go with it and dress like a bat. We meet Harvey Dent and Selina Kyle before they become Two-Face and Catwoman, and also glimpse the Joker. Despite these differences, some scenes and strands are lifted directly from Miller’s graphic novel.

Sounds Batshit (pun!) crazy, no? Well, now it may be coming to comic books. And then the movies.

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Black Swan – Aronofsky’s Admonition

[caution: the following post is a narrative analysis of BLACK SWAN. as such, it’s filled with spoilers, half-baked jib-jab, and words that even a thesaurus shouldn’t contain. proceed at your own risk]

Walking out of Black Swan, I knew that I was impressed. The one hundred and three minutes of celluloid that had just flashed before me were not only visually appealing (and I’ll be goddamned if you don’t think it’s eye-candy) but bursting at the thematic seams.

It’s a layered work – an adaptation of Swan Lake in which a ballet company reimagines Swan Lake. Yes, that’s right. There’s sexual tension, the tug-and-pull between repression and reckless liberation. Body image issues arise, as self-mutilation and bulimia make both subtle and palpable appearances. And for good measure, a heaping of parental expectation is thrown in, reminding the audience that even the most brilliant of feats can lose their shimmer when serving as vicarious fulfillment.

It’s all in Black Swan. All that and more, in fact. But what struck me as most compelling about Aronofsky’s fifth feature is that it serves as a warning to those in pursuit of a goal. No, I don’t think Black Swan is telling the audience to relish in apathy, aspiring for nothing and thereby achieving everything desired. But I do think that the movie is pursing its lips next to the ear of the aspirant individual, whispering, “Look at yourself — is this what you want?

Because without even knowing it, even the purest of feather can become sullied and despoiled.

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Hugh Jackman Talks About Aronofsky’s The Wolverine.

I’m excited about The Wolverine. While it isn’t the first thing you’d think of when you conjure up Darren Aronofsky, I’m stoked to see what he can bring to such a huge franchise. He’s got such a unique touch that my naive ass thinks he can bring his own feel to the typically typical huge tentpole movies. Hugh Jackson is totally feeling me.

Slashfilm via EW:

He’s a visionary. I’ve been trying to get Darren since X-Men 3, really. We’ve been talking about this and Wolverine for so long.


…we had a meeting about three weeks ago, catching up as friends more than anything, and he just ran a few ideas by me and my eyes just lit up, because already I think this is like a whole new ballgame — just the ideas, the level of depth, and intelligence, and creativity. I think he’s been waiting so long to do a movie in this genre. When he found the script, he said this is it. It’s really exciting.

Jackman and Aronofsky teamed up for The Fountain. And while it’s my least favorite of his movies, it did enough to jerk off my ocular glands that I came out entertained. Let’s see what the duo came bring about in this flick. I mean, Christ, it can’t be worse than the first Wolverine movie.

International Posters For Aronofsky’s Black Swan Are Gorgeous

I think it’s safe to say the Brothers Omega are awaiting Aronofsky’s Black Swan with the fervor. There’s nothing I enjoy more than one of his late-autumn/early winter releases. The world is dark, the air smells of last-gasps, and the wind bites. What better way to knuckle down and get through the Death Months than a nice depressing movie? Hell yeah! Black Swan looks to continue this pleasant tradition. I look forward to enjoying this new, halluciengic flick of his. Then I’ll quietly retire to my room, and contemplate death while holding a drill to my head like I’m out of fucking PI.

With that said, hit the jump for gorgeous international posters promoting this forthcoming mind-fuck-heart-rape.

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Rumor: Darren Aronofsky To Direct New Superman? Boner of Steel.

There’s not much to say. Apparently Darren Aronofsky has been speaking to Christopher Nolan about directing the new Superman flick. Rumor? Probably. Not going to happen? Probably? If it did? My cockhead would engorge to the point where it would rocket off, spinning around the ceiling of my room before finally falling back to Earth.

It’s an odd fit, since every Aronofsky flick makes me want to kill myself after finishing it. Well, except for The Fountain, which just made me feel like I was back in Intro to Philosophy. But whatever. I love the son of a bitch, and Black Swan is my most sweated movie this fall, outside of the Social Network.   So even if it’s a departure from his usual dark and gloomy misery-fests, I want to see this shit come to fruition.

Let’s get it done! C’mon, Aronofsky. Do this flick and then you can go and make your next film about a heroin addicted homosexual Dad with AIDS and cancer who is trying to reconcile with his lost baby tiger who he raised from an infant or something. Something nice and depressing. Just do this first. Please.