
‘Dark Souls III’ Launch Trailer: A Story of Fire and Death (and Death)

Dark Souls III has launched in Japan. Which means people are streaming it on Twitch, websites (though, not as shitty as this one) are debating watching those streams, and me? I’m just posting the launch trailer. Today. Like, five days late.

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‘Dark Souls 3’ Trailer: Dungeon Murder Meets…Cyndi Lauper?

‘Dark Souls 3’ Opening Cinematic: The Lords Will Abandon Their Thrones

Man, I ain’t never fucked with the Dark/Demon Souls franchise. Just out of a lack of time, not interest. But this trailer, which is every bit as gorgeous as one of them-there Blizzard cinematics, certainly has me intrigued. How about you? Digging the cinematic? Dig the franchise? HMU/LMK, bruh.

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‘Dark Souls III’ dropping in Japan on March 24, 2016

Dark Souls III

I ain’t fucked with the Dark Souls franchise. I already got anger management issues, and I imagine this game series would test them. That said, more than one person has told me the series is right up my alley. Maybe I’ll jump onboard with the third installment. And said jumping would occur, if the Japanese release date means anything, early next year.

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