Cosplay: Flemeth from ‘Dragon Age 2’ is a beautiful baddie
Was Flemeth a baddie in Dragon Age 2? Or was that just the first Dragon Age? I can’t…I can’t fucking remember. This cosplay, though? Dope.
Cosplay: Morrigan from ‘Dragon Age: Inquisition’ summons awe
Cause Morrigan is a fucking witch! She summons shit! And like. Yeah…yeah. Just enjoy the cosplay.
Cosplay: Pin-Up Captain America has me yelling “yes we can!”
Nearing the end of the week. V. tired. Here’s some pin-up Captain America. For me. For you. For Freedom.
Cosplay: Catwoman Feisty Latex Brainscramble
ItsRainingNeon is probably my favorite cosplayer in the game right now. No offense to the rest of ya’ll — you’re wonderful too. But her costumers, sense of humor, and poses combine to Win the Gauntlet. So yeah, of course I’m stoked for this Catwoman cosplay.
Cosplay: Battle worn Wonder Woman emerges victorious
Here’s a glorious bit of cosplay. Wonder Woman straight emergin’ from battle. Bloodied, bruised, but ready for another goddamn round. ‘Cause she’s Wonder Woman.
Cosplay: This Domino from ‘X-Force’ nails the bullseye.
Domino. Always a sultry character. Its Raining Neon. Always a fantastic cosplayer. Smash them together and boom~ or something.
Cosplay: Black Cat strikes a pose, strikes a, uh, glorious nerve
This cosplay must have been generally engineered for me, given my proclivity for passing out from euphoria when I come across latex body suits.
Cosplay: Mad Moxxi from ‘Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel’ sends me into…orbit?
Goddamn! I say GODDAMN! Paste me with Peanut Butter and send me into a crowded elevator. I’m fucking FEELING this Moxxi cosplay. For REASONS. The only mentionable one being that it reminds me that Real Shoot and Loot: Fuck Destiny is dropping next week. HUZZAH. PRAISE THE LIZARD-LORDS. *Begins speaking in tongues.*
Cosplay: Captain America x Spider-Man.
Nice little mash-up right here. Spider-Man going full, “America, Fuck Yeah!” Don’t really know how the shield works in concert with his web-slinging, but whatever. Let Parker figure that one out.