
15 Year-old hacker banned from Internet for six years. HACK THE PLANET.

Some Zero Cool shit up in here. Hack the planet! Crash Override! A famous 15 year-old hacker has gotten their ass kicked off the internet for six years. What do live for? What to live for!

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CIA’S FEAR: High-Tech Border Checks Will Rat Out Their Spies

Jason Bourne is getting the fucking business these days from border checks in some countries. Did you have any idea that some nations are employing iris checks straight out of fucking Minority Report? I sure as shit didn’t. Man, I’m swearing a lot. Ass. Crap. Boom!

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The CIA Uses Social Media To Track How The World Feels.

Who the fuck needs spies, when you have social media? The CIA uses the various interlacings of our internet lives to track the moods and vibes of the world. Scanning and analyzing data and composing a view of which group of us is about to wile out.

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