‘CHRONICLE’ WRITER is pitching a ‘WONDER WOMAN’ flick.
Max Landis. Wrote Chronicle. Seems to really, really, really enjoy himself. Enjoys hearing himself speak, eat, spank, take a dump (I can relate). The dude who took the world by force with his fiercely mediocre first effort is now pitching a Wonder Woman movie.
Writer Max Landis Talks About ‘CHRONICLE 2’; Josh Tranks Unlike To Direct.
Forgotten under the roar of the box office behemoths galloping up our brain pipe and into our collective consciousness is Chronicle. Forged on a shoestring budget and widely praised, it was the superhero origin tale done with an enjoyable curve ball. Like all successes in Hollywood, it must be milked until its teats bleed. Writer Max Landis has dropped some tidbits on that the sequel will entail.
Max Landis Returning To Write ‘Chronicle 2’, Codenamed ‘White Akira Strikes Back’
Max Landis penned the found-footage superhero flick Chronicle in something like nine hours. Okay, that’s an exaggeration. But it did it with the quickness and it was pretty hot. Now he’s being given a chance to answer the bell and pen the sequel.