
Cosplay: Ms. Marvel (Carol Danvers) dominating the game!

Ms. Marvel!

The current Ms. Marvel may be my favorite Marvel comic book jam going, but that doesn’t mean we can’t celebrate some old school Carol Danvers. Right? Amirite?! I’m right. I knew it.

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Gorgeous Ms. Marvel & Captain Marvel artwork.


Super in love with this artwork by Lan. Check out her other artwork.

Rumor: Ms. Marvel in ‘AVENGERS 2’, with Emily Blunt or Ruth Wilson up for role. Wut? Yes!

Ms. Marvel in Avengers 2? Frak yeah. Carol Danvers is a goddamn fantastic character. As a hell of a strong female lead, she is just sort of lass that Whedon would gravitate towards. Here is hoping there is something to this rumor. Especially if Emily Blunt is in consideration. Coming out of Looper, make mine Blunt. Or something. Should probably just let that saying die.

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Ms. Marvel Is The New ‘CAPTAIN MARVEL’ In New Series. Sobriety ++

A new Captain Marvel  series was announced this past weekend at Wondercon, and it is starring none other than Carol Danvers. Now, I’ve always been a Binary lad myself, but this is pretty cool.

Hit the jump for details.

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