Co-Creator of ‘Captain America’ Joe Simon Passes Away. Dew-Pouring Salute.
Joe Simon passed away today at the age of 98. Shedding the mortal coil, let us imagine him awash in a reality where he can hang out with all of his creations.
‘Captain America’ Writer Wants Peter Dinklage To Play MODOK In Sequel. Tyriontastic.
Peter Dinklage’s performance as Tyrion in ‘Game of Thrones’ is often times the highlight of the show for me, amid a collection of excellent performances and great scenes. So I love the idea of him playing MODOK in the Captain America sequel. I also love the concept of MODOK being in the movie.
‘Captain America: The First Avenger’ Trailer #2 Is Summer Pop Bliss.
This movie has gone from being “Oh Christ I don’t know about!” before the Super Bowl advertisement to my most anticipated movie of the summer. I want to rub all my fleshy nubs all over every part of this trailer.
Hit the jump to check it out.
New ‘Captain America’ Poster Is Less Emo, More Ideal.
The first Captain America poster that was released to promote the movie was brooding and emo as fuck. It looked like a background leftover from Batman Begins or some shit. The new one makes more sense. The Aryan Posterchild-turned-Representative-of-America staring into a glorious sunset.
Hit the jump to check it out.
‘Captain America’ Trailer. This May Rock.
Man, I can’t help it. The first full-length trailer for Captain America: The First Avenger is pretty fucking awesome. God damn, and I thought my low expectations were going to carry me through this movie with some sort of enjoyment. Now I’m expecting this pig to kick ass, which is, of course, the function of every trailer. To skillfully manipulate footage into giving fanboys boners.
Still though, fuck yeah.
Hit the jump for the trailer, and leave your thoughts.
First Official Photo Of Red Skull From ‘Captain America’ Movie.
Ever since the Super Bowl Trailer for Captain America: The First Avenger dropped, my expectations for the movie have been recuperated. Probably not the best precedent to be set. It’s always better to go in with ground floor anticipation, that way anything can blow your tits off. One of the dopest things about the trailer was Hugo Weaving gettin’ his Red Skull on. So it’s of particular excitement to me that this week’s Entertainment Weekly has the first official photo of him as the Red Faced Prick.
Hit the jump for the photo, and some quasi-spoilerish details.
Abe Lincoln Teaches Spider-Man How To Whup Ass In This Comic
I totally missed out on this when it was available on Monday. Fucking frak. Marvel released a free comic celebrating the 200th birthday of old Honest Abe, the story titled “Gettysburg Distress”. Outstanding. The storyline was by a favorite of mine, Matt Fraction, with the artwork provided by Andy MacDonald. The cover ain’t nothing to sneeze at either, done by Paola Rivera.
Ole Honest Abe, whuppin’ some ass. Why the fuck isn’t this a monthly?
Paolo Rivera’s Take On The Cinematic Avengers Is Gorgeous.
Enlarge. | Via.
I was first made aware of Paolo Rivera through last year’s Spider-Man storyline “One Moment In Time”, and since then I’ve had a huge hankering for his artwork. Goodness gracious the time I’ve wasted not knowing of his existence! But so it goes. Anyways, Rivera’s artwork is gorgeous, and there’s an insane fuckload of it for free on his excellent blog. Today Rivera revealed an Avengers study he’s doing that’s (according to him) a work in progress:
A new Thor trailer just debuted, so I thought it would be a good excuse to show a recent study of the cinematic Avengers (they’re mostly based on the concept art that made its way on-line last year). I haven’t really read any Thor comics, but I’m still excited for the movie. I like what I’ve seen so far and I can’t wait to see them all on the screen together.
It’s fantastic. Get over there for more of his goodness.
Here’s The Captain America Super Bowl Teaser!
Did you catch the trailer for Captain America during the Super Bowl? No? Watch it here! You did catch it? Watch it again! I’ve been skeptical of Captain America for a good while now, but man. My gooey fanboy gunk was floating about after the trailer. What does a trailer guarantee? Nothing, nothing at all. But it was fun.
Hit the jump for the trailer.