
Woah: Robert Downey Jr. joining ‘Captain America 3’, movie will start Marvel’s ‘Civil War’

Tony Stark.

Robert Downey Jr. is going to be in Captain America 3. And if the tea leaves are to be believed the movie is going kick-off the MCU version of Marvel’s Civil War. Well! Looks like I was TOTALLY FUCKING RIGHT about Marvel’s Civil War push next year being about tying into an MCU version of the event. Truthfully, nothing’s been proven definitively. But my dick is small and my mind is shot and I need victories in my life.

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‘Captain America 3’ writer wants MODOK in a flick. Doesn’t expect it to happen.


Is this news? Or nah? Probably not news. But it’s still fun to think about the potential odd-as-fuck-villains that Marvel may be able to get away with in future movies. Now that Guardians of the Galaxy has demonstrated that our Collective Pop Culture Psyche has been widened to the point of oddity. I mean — give us MODOK. We can handle it.

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‘Batman v. Superman’ moves release date, blinks in ‘Captain America’ stare down

Dawn of Justice

It was only a matter of time before either Captain America 3 or Batman v. Superman changed their release date. The two movies had been locked in a stare down, both laying claim to the same release date in May of 2016. The one who flinched? Batman v Superman: Frowny Time – Justice People. Which I suppose isn’t surprising, given that Marvel’s Cinematic Juggernaut continues to smash expectations and consume our pop culture.

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‘CAPTAIN AMERICA 3’ could feature “Psychotic 1950s Cap”

Captain America

When Steve Rogers plunged his silly ass into the ocean (if you go by movie canon, agreed, okay, shut the fuck up), he didn’t just take the world’s only super soldier out of the game. He ripped a piece of glorious propaganda out of the hands of the United States to employ during the Cold War. So what is a government to do? Find another Cap! Generate a facsimile. Captain America 3 could follow more Brubaker goodness and explore what happens when the Captain America stand-in goes fucking apeshit.

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QUE? Bucky’s Marvel Movie Contract is Longer Than Cap America’s.


It turns out that Sebastian Stan’s (Bucky…and well, don’t IMDB if you don’t want to know) Marvel movie contract is longer than Chris Evans’. At first blush this seems confusing as Hell. Especially to someone who is a comics outsider. However, fans of Ed Brubaker’s run on Captain America (HI! IT MAKES MY DONG FROTH IN WAYS THAT DEFY ONTOLOGICAL EXPLANATIONS) know how this could work. In a glorious, glorious way.

Hit the jump for (what I hope) is accurate speculation.

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Captain America

Yo. Fuck Batman Vs. Superman. In 2016 we’re finally getting Marvel vs. DC. A couple of days ago, Kevin Feige had chuckled. Hocked up what sounded like phlegm, and spit out what look like a nail. He had been asked if Marvel was going to movie their at the time Unnamed Movie away from its May 6, 2016 date. You see, that’s the day Batman vs. Superman was dropping. Not only is Marvel not moving their moving, they’re dropping a fucking hammer that day (or is it a shield?).

I love this.

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Anthony & Joe Russo returning to direct ‘CAPTAIN AMERICA 3.’

The Winter Soldier.

Like a month ago or some fuck, there was buzz that the Russo Bros were going to return to the Marvel Fold and direct Captain America 3: The US Is My Only Lover. Flash forward (making a fucking whoosh sound like you do, fools!) a month, and now the buzz has crystalized into fact.

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Anthony and Joe Russo are directing ‘CAPTAIN AMERICA 3.’

The Winter Soldier!

Well then! Winter Soldier ain’t dropped yet, but commerce and media production don’t balk at such things! The churn must churn, lest it not be…churning? Oh whatever. The minds behind Winter Soldier are coming back for Captain ‘Murica Round 3. And while I haven’t seen their first offering, if the trailers are any indication it’s going to blast the hair off my asshole with glee.

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