
New ‘Power Rangers’ Trailer: This Is Hodgepodge Grimdark Shit

If there was any doubt that this movie was a tonally confused misinterpretation of the Power Rangers franchise, this trailer evaporates it. Evaporates it in a wave of horrible CGI, Breakfast Club garbage, and greyscale garbage filming. This movie is going to be shit.

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Adam McKay probably directing a Marvel movie

Adam McKay.

Adam McKay directing a Marvel movie? Makes sense. The Leviathan is enormous. Its consumptive needs are never-ending, all-expanding. Slowly but surely all talent of even marginal measure will be subsumed into its corpus. The exceptions shall prove the rule. This Leviathan is the Never Ending Comic Book Movie Monster.

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CM PUNK writing introduction to ‘AvX’ hardcover. That’s about right.

If you’re late to the game or new to the site, it is worth mentioning that I think AvX was a steaming pile of “refresh”-powered nonsense. I don’t think anything proves my point more than the fact that they’ve brought in a wrestler to do the introduction. I know he’s a legit comics fan, but. I don’t know. I suppose there isn’t really any purpose to bringing in someone with insight to a slug fest batch of hot water crap.

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MARK MILLAR and other good souls take down an online bully douche.

Despite being woefully offensive in his comic blatherings, Mark Millar seems to be quite the solid dude. He recently joined forces with the Power of the Internet to fell some malicious online douchebag.

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Video: Jaws Ride: The Movie Is Closed. Pay Due Respects In This Simulator.

Jaws Ride: The Movie has closed. Some kind of chocolatey, goopy bullshit. Mourning hard? Wicked hahd? You can pay respects in this fucking glorious simulator.

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Views From The Space-Ship: Come In My Back Door

Hey Microsoft, Let Us Use All Of Our External Hard Drives, You Pricks.


Microsoft announced that they’re going to add support for USB flashdrives! Hey, that’s fucking fantastic! No, not really. My PS3 allowed me to do that like nineteen years ago. How about you let us use fucking external drives.

Via Kotaku

Starting April 6 Xbox 360 owners will be able to use USB flash drives to store profiles, game saves, demos and “more”, Microsoft confirmed this morning.Posting on his blog, Xbox Live’s Larry Hryb said that the company has been testing the feature for a few weeks and that he thinks it’s is “great.” A system updating hitting April 6 will allow us all to see just how great it is. The update will support flash drives that are 1 GB to to 16 GB in size. While USB hard drives “may work”, he adds, you will still only be able to use 16 GB of the drives spaces.

Wait, so you can only use flash drives, or your external hard drives can only be utilized for 16gb of their space? I wonder why.

Hard drives for the 360 are the biggest fucking rip-off going. For $120, you can get a 250gb hard drive. They’re fucking our wallets with thorny cocks. I got a 350gb hard drive for my PS3 for seventy-five dollars. And I’m sure they’re way cheaper now.

How about you douchebags at Microsoft stop raping our wallets and allow us to use the full scope of any external hard drives we may have? ‘Cause I have a 1 TB external hard drive that I paid a hundred bucks for, and that makes a lot more sense to me than getting raped by your proprietary bullshit, okay? I love your system, I already bought the 120gb hard drive like a fucking asshole, I pay for XBOX Live!, c’mon, do me a solid.