Report: ‘Batman v Superman’ getting R-Rated Blu-Ray
BatLord v SuperGrimace ain’t even out yet, and it is already getting news leaked about its home release. Apparently said home release (or one iteration of it, at least) is going to be R-Rated.
‘Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice’ Teaser: Meet The Batmobile
The wheels on the Batmobile go vroom, vroom, vroom. Vroom, vroom, vroom. The Bat-Man in the Batmobile goes brood, brood, brood. Brood, brood, brood.
‘Batman v Superman’ Final Trailer: Bruce Wayne Is Good At Fighting
Okay, I’m not going to fucking front. I smiled throughout this entire trailer. Like, I *know* that this movie is probably going to be ass. I know! But finally, a fucking *fun* trailer for the movie. Highlighting the usual Snyder imagery that tricks me into thinking I’ll enjoy his characters. I’m a sucker for flash, and fighting, and Bat-Guy and Super-Dude. If the movie could tow the line and actually just embrace its absurdity, we may be in for a good ride. The problem is that this is the first trailer that doesn’t make the entire movie feel like a slog of brooding broodiness. Who knows. I’m, at least, more excited than I’ve ever been for this movie. (Which is saying absolutely nothing, true.)
New ‘Batman v Superman’ image hints at Darkseid’s presence
A new image from Batman v Superman seems to confirm that Darkseid will be making an appearance in the movie. How many characters can appear in the movie? All the characters can appear in the movie! It’s worth noting though, that the image seems to come during what has been acknowledged as a hallucination/dream sequence/thing of Batman’s. So! It appears it’s a portentous dream-hallucination-thing! Cause like, Darkseid is totally the Justice League movie’s BigBad, right?
‘Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice’ TV Spot: “The Bat is dead. Buried.”
Man, can you imagine if Batman v Superman is good? It just sort of hit me today, watching this clip. Not that I particularly liked this clip (at all). But I’ve been writing this movie off for so long, I’ll be goddamn staggered if it actually entertains me. Like, really pleasantly surprised.
‘Batman v Superman’ TV Spot: BatGuy is way mad Superman wrecked his car
Apparently the World’s Greatest Detective thinks it is a good idea to try and hit an Indestructible Alien with his car.
‘Daredevil’ Season 2 dropping March 25th; same day as ‘Batman v Superman’
Man. Ain’t Matt Murdock a fucking glutton for a punishment. Or at least a sucker for a fight. News that the good brooding Catholic’s second season is dropping in March was met with much applause, but that wasn’t the whole story. Apparently Marvel is rolling out the season on the same day that Batman v Superman hits theaters (Guess which one I’m more excited for).
‘Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice’ TV Spot: The BroDown Throwdown
A German TV spot has brought with it some footage of Bat-Man and Super-Lad throwing down.