Watch: Gnarly new Batman animated short by creator of ‘BATMAN: THE ANIMATED SERIES’
In recognition of the God Damn Bat-Man’s 75th birthday, the creator of B:TAS has returned with a new short. God bless you, Bruce Timm. God bless you.
Dude uses 17-YEAR-OLD COUPON from PC GAME for cheaper frozen pizza.
Dude who goes by Lazy Game Reviewer found an old as fuck coupon in some PC game, and decided to parlay that shit into cheaper pizza. He may go by Lazy Game Reviewer, but he’s hard on the grind when it comes to the money saving game.
‘ORPHAN BLACK’ Season Two Trailer: You Don’t Own Us!
More Orphan Black! More Orphan Black! Gods Be Good, please let the season two premiere arrive already. Posto-cuto, there is the an S2 trailer, as well as a couple of sneak previews.
WATCH: Sochi Speed Skating x ‘MARIO KART.’
Obligatory yet FUCKING NEEDED “Man if this was an Olympic Sport I’d actually care” comment. The indie film maker Michael Shanks has remixed speed skating from this year’s Olympics in Sochi with some glorious Mario Kart classics. That’s all you need to know!
‘HOTLINE MIAMI 2: WRONG NUMBER’ is dropping Q3 2014
Steel yourself, ya ding dongs. Steel yourself for the sequel to one of the most unforgiving, engrossing, masochistic little gems to be knifed into the side of gamers in years.
‘AVENGERS CONFIDENTIAL: BLACK WIDOW & PUNISHER’ Trailer: They sure are animated!
They sure are animated? Jesus Christ, Caff. First that headline, now you’re talking in the third person. Anyhoo! I didn’t check out this trailer the first fifteen time it came across my RSS feed because I thought it was some children’s fair. I don’t know, Disney afternoon and shit. But then I saw a picture of Captain Marvel up in the game! Forced my goddamn hand, and now here I am. Moderately excited.
This makes me happy. Tell me it doesn’t make you happy, and I’m liable to swing on you. I’ll swing! Seriously though, I want all the success in the world for this show. Even though I haven’t been as fucking thrilled with Parks this season as I have been in the past, I still enjoy it a heft amount. And more importantly, Parks and Rec continuing to exist when most fibers of my psyche are telling me “it’s not dumb enough for the average member of Bovine America” is a small victory.
Ming Doyle redesigns Wonder Woman. It rules.
This is old. Don’t care. Ming Doyle. She rules. Redesigned Wonder Woman. It rules. Just found it on Tumblr. That also rules.
Stunning BATMAN GRAFFITI found in abandoned building. Exploring++
This is gnarly. A redditor and his girlfriend from Belgium thought they were just going to do some run-of-the-mill urban exploring. You know, finding their way into some abandoned building. Cut themselves. Get tetanus. Probably die. However, they did one better than dying from a rusty spoon in some burned down shack. The couple stumbled across some gorgeous Batman graffiti.