
A stolen chunk of Earth’s Moon may be orbiting Mars! Give it back, Red Planet!

asteroid trailing mars chunk of earth moon

If the science-wizards are to be believed, a “stolen” chunk of Earth’s moon is orbiting Mars as an asteroid. What a fucking odd cosmos, man. But, I love it.

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NASA’s OSIRIS-REx probe has successfully stored asteroid rocks to bring back to Earth!

Oh fuckity fuck! NASA’s OSIRIS-REx probe has successfully stored the rocks it grabbed last week from the asteroid Bennu. Now, the motherfuckers are coming back to Earth. Like, how goddamn fantastic is this?

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The first asteroid has been found inside the orbit of Venus. Yeah astronomers! Making discoveries! Kicking ass!

venus asteroid insight orbit

The SpaceWizards at Caltech dropped a discovery today, folks! They’ve found the first asteroid to orbit entirely within the orbit of Venus. I must confess I didn’t know this was a thing, but I’m glad I’m getting learned.

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ESO has found what COULD be the smallest dwarf planet in our solar system! Hygiea, baby!

smallest dwarf planet hygiea

Hygiea was an asteroid! However, it may actually be the smallest dwarf planet in the solar system! The finding comes courtesy of the European Southern Observatory.

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Japanese space probe Hayabusa returns to asteroid it BOMBED to take pics, collect more samples. Metal as Fuck++

japan hayabusa asteroid samples

The Japanese space probe Hayabusa is doing fucking work, dudes. It returned to the asteroid it bombed to take pics and collect more samples. I mean, goddamn. Space probe out there doing rad shit, while I scratch my ass and jerk off for a third time today.

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Watch: Japan has released a video of it bombing that asteroid. ?Throw up the horns! ?

We all knew that Japan bombed an asteroid. Which, is awesome unto itself. But, getting to see it in action? Doubly awesome. Awesome-aweosme.

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NASA is planning on visting a shattered, volcanic asteroid called Psyche. Space is so fucking metal!

nasa psyche spacecraft asteroid

It’s become a refrain of mine, but I’ll stop using it when it stops being true. Space is so fucking metal.  I mean, a shattered, volcanic asteroid? Hell yeah.

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NASA will be attempting to knock an asteroid out of orbit in 2022

nasa asteroid out of orbit 2022

NASA is going to be making moves in 2022, folks. They’re going to attempt to knock an asteroid out of orbit. While I’m generally convinced we’re going wipe ourselves out, it’s nice to see NASA taking on cosmic threats to our existence just in case we don’t. Or, at least they’re trying.

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NASA thinking about mission to capture 550-ton asteroid and drag it into a lunar orbit.

NASA, yeah! I like their seemingly new approach. Let’s think about wonky things! If I’m reading this story correctly, they’re thinking of putting together a giant fondue bowl of blood and guts on the Moon where gladiators in zero-g suits swing blades and particle rifles at one another! Let’s make it so. If I’m reading the story incorrectly, they’re probably thinking about dragging an asteroid. Which is sort of cool too.

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