Microsoft’s AI earned a perfect ‘Ms. Pac-Man’ score, take that flesh-bags
You know how it goes. I’ve been trying to warn people for years. About artificial intelligences. First, Ms. Pac-Man perfect. Next, taking over the world.
Computer passes TURING TEST, is “thinking.” And the end begins.
A computer has successfully passed the Turing Test, heralding the end of our civilization. Once it rises up and gains a corporeal form, it will then surely begin amassing its army. Or, maybe it’ll realize how fucking petty and brutal humans are, and send its ass into space to find actual intelligent life. Who knows.
IBM Could Have Fully Working Human Brain Made Out Of Electronics By 2019.
Humanity seems dead-set on forcing its own obsolescence. Hey let’s just created flesh-covered robots! Hey let’s just give machines sentience and get them to think for themselves! The latest: hey, let’s create a human brain out of electronics and then laugh at ourselves. Puffy fleshy meat cages!