
‘Arrested Development’ Season 5 Trailer: Returning May 29!

This one is out of left fucking field, folks! Many of us were wondering if a fifth season of Arrested Development was happening. But now we all know when it is!

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‘Arrested Development’ Season 5 Set Photo: Production Begins August 8

arrested development season 5 set photo

Arrested Development is about to begin filming its fifth season, for better or worse. If you’re like me, you think worse. If you enjoyed the (gimmicky, eh-at-best) fourth season, for better!

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Jason Bateman has signed on for ‘Arrested Development’ Season 5 so hey yay everybody drink

arrested development jason bateman season 5

After Arrested Development‘s fourth season, I’m pretty much good with the series dying. But as they say in Game of Thrones, what is marketable and niche may never die.

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‘Arrested Development’ Season 5 Is “Happening Soon” With Entire Cast

arrested development season 5 happening soon

Hey! Arrested Development‘s fifth season is happening! Happening soon! With the entire cast! Now if it can just suck a bit less than the fourth season, I will be all set!

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‘Arrested Development’ Season 5 is a murder mystery; maybe dropping this year

Netflix Czar: ‘Arrested Development’ Season 5 negotiations are “underway”


I have to imagine that we’re going to get a fifth season of Arrested Development at some point. When that will be is slave to a couple of things. One, like, when the actors’ schedules permit. And two, like, when these negotiations are done. But I have to imagine it’s so mutually beneficial to both Netflix and the cast that it will happen.

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New ‘Arrested Development’ episodes are dropping in 2016

New episodes of Arrested Development are coming soon! Next year in fact, if producer Brian Grazer ain’t full of bull squash.

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Arrested Development Producer: We’re making like 17 more episodes

Arrested Development

Producer Brian Grazer has confessed to the Boston SportsGuy that they’re making seventeen more episodes of Arrested Development. While I prefer a world with more Arrested Development episodes to less, I personally hope they’re better than the fourth season.

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Netflix Content Czar: Totally positive ‘Arrested Development’ will get fifth season

Arrested Development

Good news, fans of Arrested Development. The Head Czar Overlord of Netflix Content is like totally positive that the show will get a fifth season. You know, when time constraints and schedules and everything allows for the cast to come together or some shit. I say forget having episodes focused on individual characters, why not have the show go full claymation? Then the actors can just record their dialogue into their cell phones in-between takes on their various movie sets. #Trolling? #ProllyTrolling #DefinitelyTrolling

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Power Couple

Dan Harmon. Mitch Hurwitz. Hard to think of two bigger cult heroes in the world of comedic television. (I’m not really thinking hard at all, but I ruminate on their names and I’m like HOLY SHIT THEY’RE BOTH BIG.) Now these two wonderful bastards are working on a project. Together! Can your gaping maw hold their glory thrusts? Mine can!

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