Fuck Lucas: Story of a Pro Star Wars, Anti George Lucas T-Shirt


There was a time when George Lucas represented something beautiful. He was a symbol of hope, inspiration, and the power of imagination and creativity. He was a young, hungry filmmaker with a vision that changed the landscape of cinema forever. He created Star Wars, and as far as human accomplishments go, it doesn’t get any better than that. Unfortunately, the world is a cruel, hard place. And like all things gold, it couldn’t stay.  The underdog story had transformed into a cautionary tale of human corruption, hubris, and narcissistic self-importance. In other words, just another day in Hollywood.After years of stewing in untold quantities of ass-kissing and celebrity worship, Georgie set out to create the Prequels. Surrounded by an army of “yes” men (and women) and armed with an unquenchable thirst for CG, heavy-handed nonsensical writing, and downright embarrassing acting, Mr. Lucas produced three celluloid abortions — Episodes I, II, and III (and no, Episode III isn’t “pretty good”). I won’t go into a detailed explanation of what made them so disgraceful, as better men than I have already done that (e.g. Red Letter Media’s in-depth reviews of the prequels). The important thing to know is that they were bad. Really bad.

And that, as they say, was that. Episode I was released in 1999 and within six years, George Lucas had broken the hearts and crushed the souls of Star Wars fans everywhere. What’s perhaps the saddest part is that there is still a contingent of fans who refuse to acknowledge what happened. Like the children of abusive parents, they cling to the delusion of what should be, and not what is. They choose denial over the truth, and really, who can blame them. Ignorance is bliss, after all.

The Fuck Lucas shirt was created as both a protest and a statement. A protest against what George Lucas created and what he had become. A statement that nothing — not the Prequels, not the Special Editions, not even the refusal to reissue quality theatrical cuts — can change what Star Wars is (and always will be) in the hearts and minds of all that have been touched by it.

As for the future of Star Wars — it’s impossible to say how it will turn out. However, what I do know is this: in December of 2015, I’ll be sitting in a movie theater, wearing a Fuck Lucas shirts, watching a Star Wars film that for the first time ever, hasn’t been touched by the chinless one. And that’s enough to make me smile.

Buy your own FUCK LUCAS t-shirt today.