#Views From The Space-Ship
Views From The Space-Ship: Woah. Ugh. Wait.
Welcome back to Desktop Thursdays! Your look inside my world! Be it my physicalscape, my virtualscape, even my mindscape! I’ve decided to lead with a header every week that reflects the various psychological state I’m in, given a particular week! Simpler times, this week! I didn’t post last week, on account of being busy. Going to Portland, Maine with friends. But I’m here! Here now.
Per usual, share your own world(s) in the comments section!
Views From The Space-Ship: Psychological Damage Up To Here!
Yeah, yeah, I know. I’m kicking off Desktop Thursdays with a header image that is clearly not my desktop nor my life. Imagine, if you will, that it is an accurate depiction of my Mind-Scape. Perhaps the most horrifying, alluring, mesmerizing, and confusing places in my existence. Psychological Damage to an Unfathomable Degree. Caffeine-Soaked Synapses Roaring In Fury. A Diarrhea Dump Itch in the Back of My Brain. Rolling Plains of Gif’d Asses From An Endless Mental Tumblr Dashboard. Imagine, imagine all of that. Then, uh, take a look at my physical, corporeal, non-digi, non-psychological existence.
As always, share shots from your own lives in the comments section!
Views From The Space-Ship: There Will Be Fruit Vomit
Thursday! Desktop Thursdays! High and mighty Desktop Thursdays! The weekly window into the Existential Walls of Banality! that configure my life! Come, come, come! Bask in my mundanity, my mendacity, my overall banality! Then! And only then! Please share looks into your own lives in the comments section!
Views From The Space-Ship: That’s One Lazy Lady
Desktop Thursdays! My thinly veiled excuse to post pictures of my dog, my cat, and me! Yeah, man. I don’t know. Every Thursday comes, and I’m like. How is it already Thursday? Apparently I don’t take any pictures. Eh! Eh. Ehhh.
Whatever. This is my world across the past week. Desktop Thursdays! My thinly veiled excuse for me to ask you to show me your world! What does your look like? Hit the comments section!
Views From The Space-Ship: this is the future we gave ourselves
It’s Thursday, folks. This is my life again, folks. Hence Desktop Thursdays, folks. I’m sitting on the lubed tip of the weekend, just waiting to really crank down on it in a day and some change. Grind-up on it, grind-up as it infiltrates and inseminates my soul with pseudo-relaxation and caloric madness. But! But for now, it is merely Thursday.
So here is a window into my tangible existence. I hope you’ll share your own glimpses in the comments section.
Views From The Space-Ship: The Doggo Days of Autumn
Desktop Thursdays! Oh, Desktop Thursdays! The weekly column where I share with you, dear Comrades, my life. Both real, and virtual. Mostly real, these days. Mostly my dog, this week. Sort of embarrassing, really.
How have you colored your world, this week? Share your own existence in the comments section.
Views From The Space-Ship: Robotics and Nose-Pickings
My weeks are busy. I am busy.
A perpetual motion-machine filled with teaching, tutoring, brief glimpses of both my wife, dog, and cats, sporadic, late-night gym visits, and sleepy-eyed gazings into various Social Media Abysses before falling sleep.
My weeks are busy. I am busy.
This is Desktop Thursdays, where I’m giving you a look into my life. I hope you’ll share your own glimpses in the comments section.
Views From The Space-Ship: Color Your World
A beautiful cathedral! A monument to Sport, and Competition, and American Distraction and Western Culture Frivolity! Had a great night at Fenway Park with the Mom, though. Sox players hitting wicked dingers, scoring multiple runs, vanquishing the Imperialist Fucks from New York (the worst city in the world). All this and more, in this week’s installment of Desktop Thursdays.
My world through imagery. Show me yours in the comments section.
Views From The Space-Ship: As Above, So Below
Hey fuckaroonis! What’s your world looking like these days? Your virtual halls? Your physical ceilings? This is Desktop Thursdays! Show me, show me, show me! My world? As evidenced by the relative silence here at OL-Proper this week — fucking busy! But I’ve snapped some glimpses into the hectic happenings.
I hope you’ll share your own.
Views From The Space-Ship: A Dog’s Tale
Yeah, I know I’m posting this on a Saturday. I wanted to say, initially when brainstorming this formless goblet of digi-diarrhea that I was lazy this week. Truth is, I’ve been considerably busy, between work, social commitments, and surfing the infinite miscellany of bullshit that is our culture. But I’m here! It’s Desktop Thursdays. A look into my world, both digital and physical.
Namely? Just my dog, and my wife being harassed by me.
Feel free to share your own looks in the comments section.