‘Doctor Strange’ casts Benedict Wong (‘The Martian’) as the Sorcerer’s Sidekick
Dr. Strange in Doctor Strange has got his Strange Sidekick. The role of Wong will be played by Benedict Wong, who many have seen Bringing Matt Damon’s Ass Home in last fall’s The Martian.
Marvel announces Steve Rogers is returning as ‘Captain America’
Steve Rogers ceded the mantle of Captain America to his friend Sam Wilson back in…2014? And now it looks like his friend Wilson isn’t exactly handing Steve back the mantle. More like, sharing it the title? But not the shield!
2016 Oscar Nominations; A Lovely Day for ‘Mad Max’, ‘The Revenant’
Here are your 2016 Oscar Nominations, featuring a good amount of love being thrown towards my movie of 2016, Mad Max. What do you think of the list? Truthfully, I don’t really give a fuck about award shows. Famous people masturbating other famous people for doing famous things. But they’re like reviews: if they support my own feelings, I love the nominations. If they don’t — fuck em’, they’re bullshit anyways! Still though — no Coogler? No Michael B. Jordan? No Theron? Bummer.
Rumor: Bel Powley in running for key ‘Episode VIII’ role
Episode VIII is bringing with it more key female leads. We have known this for a while, and this site’s shitty echochamber has perpetuated some of the rumors regarding the actresses being considered. Well, why should we stop now?! It appears that Bel Powley is now being considered.
Krang is going to be in ‘Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Out of the Shadows’
Man. The second TMNT is going to fucking feature Krang? Maybe it’s time I cajoled Bateman into getting stoned and watching the first one, cause I gotta, I just fucking gotta, see that Brain-Assed Bastard in the second movie. For better or worse.
Rachel Keller (‘Fargo’!) to star in X-Men spin-off TV show, ‘Legion’
Oh man, do I ever have a crush on Rachel Keller. She was fantastic in Fargo, and she is definitely provides the X-Men spin-off show, Legion a lure. To snag me. Right by my hormones-encrusted eyeballs. Also doesn’t hurt that Fargo mastermind Noah Hawley is writing and producing it.
Watch: How ‘Fallout 4’ produces those gorgeous Mushroom Clouds
Fallout 4‘s graphics on the consoles…aren’t that great. But one of the more appealing aspects to the game’s visual presentation is its gorgeous mushroom clouds. Just how did Bethesda pull them off? The above video will fucking tell you! Keep Reading »
Dan Harmon is writing for the ‘Mystery Science Theater 3000′ reboot
Dan Harmon! Hero. Writing for the Mystery Science Theater 3000 reboot. And while I don’t usually get into MST3K (nothing against it), this name may rope me in.