
Nolan’s ‘Dunkirk’ gets Plot Synopsis and Set Photos

Christopher Nolan.

Want the plot synopsis for Christopher Nolan’s Dunkirk? Here we go! Want set photos? Here we go!

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‘Fargo’ Season 3 casts Ewan McGregor as season’s dual-leads

Ewan McGregor

Fargo hasn’t just cast Ewan McGregor for its third season. The (best) show has cast Obi-Wan for two roles, or more specifically, the dual-leads, playing two brothers. Fucking odd. Fucking fantastic. Fucking I am not going to make the wait for this show.

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Official: Alden Ehrenreich is the new Han Solo for ‘Star Wars’ spin-off

Rian Johnson shares ‘Episode VIII’ set photos; give me this movie


Episode VIII

Fuck, this movie is too far away.

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‘Punisher’ show confirmed for Netflix, here’s a teaser video


Netflix has done the obvious and ordered a full Punisher series. I fucking hope so, since the character was shoehorned as fuck into the end of Daredevil‘s second season. I mean, his presence in the season finale. Jesus Christ. Woof. But that said, I dug the character, and I look forward to more.

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SpaceX sending unmanned spacecraft to Mars as early as 2018

red dragon

SpaceX is getting its ass to Mars. Or at least the ass of one of its unmanned spacecrafts.

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Karl Urban up for ‘Dredd’ Netflix or Amazon series


We are never, ever getting a Dredd whatever, right? But we can dream, right? And Karl Urban will promote those dreams, that bastard.

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Cosplay: The Joker from ‘Batman: Arkham Asylum’

‘Spider-Man: Homecoming’ is official title for new Spider-Man Movie; Here’s The Logo

Tessa Thompson (‘Creed’) joins ‘Thor: Ragnarok’ as new love interest

Tessa Thompson

Tessa Thompson is great in Creed. I am very excited that she is going to be given the opportunity to be great in Thor: 3 – End of Odinson.

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