#Star Wars
So you know how Disney and LucasFilmFarm are supposed to be making all sorts of Star Wars spin-off flicks? And how one is like, supposed to totally obviously be a Boba Fett movie? Well the executives in the Mega-Mind-Monoculture Factory are totally scratching their heads trying to figure out how to pull the Fett movie off.
‘EPISODE VII’ News: UK Stage Actress Up For Role
Here’s some gnarly news. The promise that Episode VII will see some new faces in key roles hasn’t been confirmed or denied because…well, no fucking casting has been announced! But! Recent rumor-news-nebulous-things suggest this promise shall hold.
‘EPISODE VII’ News: It’s f**king SHOOTING NOW; casting ain’t complete.
Well here’s a little news to get my minuscule lightsaber dropping with residual Force leaks. (Or something. Man, I’m played out with my already dumb lightsaber-as cock-metaphors.) Turns out that Episode VII is already shooting, despite the fucking casting not being done. My assumption? Filming locations for action sequences or some shit.
‘UNCHARTED’ writer Amy Henning is now new ‘STAR WARS’ game’s creative director
I’m going to go ahead and say this now. Write it in digital stone. The next Star Wars game is going to rule. Drawing inspiration from the Batman: Arkham Games. Being spearheaded by Amy Hennig. This is fucking awesome.
‘EPISODE VII’ NEWS: First shooting in MOROCCO. On MAY 14.
So like, Episode VII is going to begin filming in five fucking weeks. And yet!, and yet friends. We still don’t know anything about the goddamn flick. No official casting, no subtitle, no idea whether or not Carrie Fisher is going to be hanging rack in her original Leia outfit. But I guess we can at least sate ourselves on where and when filming will begin.
Obvious ‘EPISODE VII’ casting news: The Furball Is Back
Like, did we not expect Chewbacca back in the Star Wars: Greatest Hits Edition fold? I mean, c’mon. However I do suppose that the news which pretty much confirms Peter Mayhew’s return is radical in another manner. That manner? That they’re using the original actor. Pretty swell. Remember the seventy shades of bullshit that struck when Lucas didn’t use Prowse for Episode III?
‘EPISODE VII’ takes place 30 YEARS after ‘JEDI.’ Sort of figured?
In what is “news” (that I am covering and thereby PERPETUATING LIKE A PIECE OF CRAP), Disney has announced that Episode VII is going to take place 30 years after the events of Jedi. Well! They certainly couldn’t say it was six years after. I mean, after all — the original actors look like they’re either fucking models for adult diapers or warning labels against doing drugs as a youth. Chewed-up meat lookin’ motherfuckers.
Monday Morning Commute: The Hero We Need.
Life is tricky and heroes help out.
There’s no doubt that there’re plenty of problems to be had. Even the strongest amongst us is still, ultimately, an insatiable consciousness traveling in a meek meat-vehicle. While many are bound to experience transcendence at some point, all must deal with turmoil. Hell, dealing with bullshit might be the very yarn woven throughout the entire fabric of the human experience.
“We are all bitched from the start,” Hemingway once wrote.
Luckily, the variety of problems running amok is matched by an equally impressive assortment of heroes. There’re all different sortss, some real and some fictional and others somewhere in between. What do they do? Well, right now they’re at work doin’ medical research and teachin’ guitar and writin’ plays and demonstratin’ the high-jump and makin’ pots of coffee and intermediatin’ conflicts and givin’ earnest advice and huggin’ it out. So if it seems like shit’s gettin’ mad-daunting, keep your eye out for a hero.
In the same letter mentioned above, Hemingway instructed his friend to “Forget your personal tragedy.”
That friend was F. Scott Fitzgerald.
My hero du jour? Michael Keaton. As a self-diagnosed maniac (diagnose yourself otherwise the man with the clipboard will tell you what you are), I need my inspiration to come from superheroes and ghouls and Tarantino characters. So, Keaton’s pretty perfect.
Us maniacs, we need Michael Keaton.
Welcome to the MMC. I’m goin’ to show you some stuff I’ll be doin’ this week. Check it out and then hit up the comments section and describe what you’ll be rockin’ in the upcoming days.
‘EPISODE VII’ News: Lupita Nyong’o up for a role!
I’ll cop to it. I haven’t seen 12 Years A Slave yet. So I don’t know first-hand how good of an actress Lupita Nyong’o happens to be. However, I do know what she won a fucking Oscar, and multiple friends are enamored with her. So I’m more than happy to justify my excitement at her joining the cast of Episode VII (potentially) with those two reasons.
IRONY: George Lucas tells filmmakers, “DON’T GET ENAMORED WITH TECHNOLOGY.”
Ah. As if we needed more proof that George Lucas has absolutely no self-awareness. The former Czar of Star Wars was speaking at USC School of Cinematic Arts this week, and he launched into a hilarious assault. On himself. Without realizing it.