#Star Wars

Don’t Tease Me: Disney releasing UNALTERED CUT of original ‘Star Wars’ Trilogy on Blu-Ray

Star Wars.

Last weekend at Boston Comic Con, Bateman and myself spent a good amount of time lamenting that there doesn’t exist an unaltered cut of Star Wars. And now it seems (if this website isn’t a big fucking LIAR) that the sensible will become the inevitable. Disney is planning to release an unaltered cut. Praise be. Praise be!

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More ‘Episode VII’ Leakage: Peep Han Solo’s costumes in the flick

Harrison Ford.

When it leaks, it pours! Or so I say when I pass out under the computer chair with a bladder full of Diet Dew. After awhile, wiping up your own fluids off the linoleum becomes uncomfortable easy. But uh! Anyways. Episode VII‘s EPICENTER got itself some mega-leakage today, too. Hot off the Glazed Nips of seeing some Stormtrooper helmet designs comes a look at Han Solo’s garb.

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‘Episode VII’ News: These are maybe the new Stormtrooper helmets


Yeehaw! Here’s the latest batch of Episode VII non-news! Some internet website Indie Revolver is claiming that they’ve acquired looks at the new iterations of the classic Stormtrooper helmet. Maybe they’re right! Maybe they’re wrong. In either case, they’re after the jump.

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‘Star Wars Rebels’ Short: The Machine In The Ghost

Star Wars Rebels

Amped for Star Wars Rebels? I am! Want a taste of the show? I do! And by God, here is one. What, you’re saying I wouldn’t have randomly typed the first two questions into a WordPress box if there wasn’t a taste available? Fuck you and watch the short!

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‘Episode VII’ Non-News: Abrams teases droid hand in UNICEF winner reveal

J.J. Abrams.

Listen, I don’t want to hear it. I know this is non-news, inconsequential, whatever. But I’m just going to throw up my hands up and admit the truth: I can’t single-handedly reverse-engineer the media’s descent into madness. (A madness that some would argue began with the advent of the telegraph.) So yeah, whatever. A droid hand is revealed. Take it or don’t.

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‘Episode VIII’ News: Rian Johnson sort of spits about the next flick

Rian Johnson

Yeah! Fucking straight to the throat! I’m not just falling into self-parody with my Star Wars coverage, I’m falling into self-parody with a fucking Jar Jar Binks fleshlight stuck to my schlong. Rian Johnson recently opened up/didn’t really open up at all about his progress with Episode VIII, and I’m eating it up like the shameless glutton I am.

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‘Episode VII’ Non-News: Mark Hamill has a goddamn power beard

Fucking Power Beard

Yeah this is legitimately not news at all. But it’s Star Wars and I’m a dirty gaping maw eagerly wanting to be filled with all bits of Episode VII minutiae.

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‘Episode VII’ Rumors: This is Gwendoline Christie’s role?

Gwendoline Christie

Ya’ll smart enough to know the Space-Ship Omega, beclad in seminal fluids and Star Wars figures, wasn’t going to go a day without an Episode VII rumor. The latest one (which frankly I thought was already covered by The Big Sites?) pertains to Gwendoline Christie’s role.

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‘Star Wars Rebels’ Extended Trailer: A New Hope Will Emerge

Star Wars Rebels.

Oh god. OH GOD. Oh god! This trailer for Star Wars Rebels is the fucking berries, man.

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‘Episode VII’ Teaser Image: Return of the X-Wing!


J.J. Abrams has dropped a sexy look at a mofuckin’ X-Wing (or a Z-95 Headhunter depending on whom you ask) in his latest video for the charity Force for Change,. I sort of assumed the son of a bitch would be back, but seeing it in its filthy glory definitely gets my knobs swelling.

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