
Scientists place humans in “suspended animation” for the first time. The future is fucking wild, friends.

scientists human suspended animation

Well, shit is interesting. Scientists have placed humans into “suspended animation” for the first time. The future simply does not fuck around.

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Engineer finds way to possibly pull diseases from blood using magnets. Just look at this fucking sentence!

engineer disease magnets

An engineer has found a potential way to pull diseases from blood using magnets. Listen, get out of my ass. I know this may never come to fruition. But, just the fact that it’s a possibility gets me horny for science.

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Scientists have found that some storms are so strong they shake the ocean floor. STORMQUAKES, my dudes!


Some storms? Them motherfuckers are so powerful that they shake the ocean floor. And, they have an equally bad ass name. Stormquakes! Hell yeah.

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