
OMEGA-CAST #12: Part 2 – Jack Off (From The Matrix)


Here’s part two of the fucking insanity that was recorded over Columbus Day Weekend. This pig-fucking rot-fest is filled with pseudo-intellectualism, superhero talk, Bateman body slamming a pizza delivery guy while we’re recording, and thirteen undergrad communication majors feeding us Skittles for internship credits. It’s pretty mundane, per usual. We also discuss my (temporary) departure from Facebook, Avengers 2: Tony Boner Time, and more.

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OMEGA-CAST #12: Part 1 – The Great Flour Tortilla Incident of 2014


OH YOU THOUGHT US GONE? Naw, bruh. Life. It happens. But choke down this GNARLY PODCAST until the SPACE-SHIP can resume full operating capacity. PART GODDAMN 1 of a PODCAST we cut nearly TWO FUCKING WEEKS AGO. And this time it’s FUCKING ME behind the delay in posting it. And life. Definitely life. Anyways. THIS ONE has WAY CAPS and most importantly THE FUCKING RETURN OF RE-RE-RE-RENDAR.

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OMEGA-CAST #11: Velvet Revulgar


Truth be told, this podcast was a long time coming. And I ain’t sure it even should have come. You see a couple of months ago Rendar found himself a beautiful OMNI-DIMENSIONAL babe upon the silicate dunes of Io. Packed up his stuff, took the boarding shuttle down to her hut, and ain’t been seen since. We get glorious missives from him every once in a while — he’s happy. Kid on the way, arthritis salved by the regenerative sand-leeches he found down by the Cloaked Bay. But the drawback is that we couldn’t cut a podcast. Eventually we decided to record one without him – heresy I know – and pray he’d return before we dared record a follow-up.

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OMEGA-CAST #10: Crumb-Dog Zillionaires

Crumb-Dog Zillionaires

Double-digits, suckahs!

All y’all haters never thought we’d make it to ten podcasts! And y’know what, I don’t blame you! The fact that Riff Simian has yet to give me a lethal uppercut? The idea that Caffeine Powered hasn’t Diet Mountain Dew’d himself into a cardiac event? The notion that Patrick Bateman’s mobility scooter hasn’t collapsed under his weight?

Miracles. Goddamn miracles. Each and every one of `em.

So cue up our newest mini-miracle and laugh at our mental illnesses. That’s right, this is basically a digital journey into an insane asylum. This podcast’s topics are variegated in the least cohesive sense of the term, with grown men discussing the fourth dimension and Lex Luger and Caff-Pow’s first moment of post-pubescent self-awareness and movies and television.

Oh, we also make video game noises and dramatically read vulgar fiction.

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Maximum Omega-Drive

New podcast up in your fucking gutsss. With a special fucking guest: Pepsibones Krueger! *Phazer sound, Phazer sound, Phazer sound* Back from his stint in the OMNIVERSE. With The Bones in Tow, the Gang Omega relocated to my compartment of the Space-Ship for this edition, and what occurred is truly the tale of two podcasts. Off the bat we vomit chunks of broken-brain about True Detective, artistic integrity, Her, how much Bateman loves to feel inspired, Ms. Marvel #1 and other bullshit. Then the booze kicks in, and what follows is generally just Pepsibones and me babbling drunkenly about Avengers,  Star Wars, and Jeremy Renner’s amazing vascularity. So it’s pretty fucking awesome.

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OMEGA-CAST #8: Fear & Loathing in Coruscant

A hot new plate of podcast for you to engulf. Go ahead, throw it down that dirty gullet of yours. Oh, you want to know what that bubbling black ooze is? Or the gnarled tree branch looking things? Fine! Fine. If you must know what’s on this episode: more Star Wars talk (ugh, I know!), Caff complaining about a lot of things and articulating them poorly, Rendar’s lost son, the Ninja Turtles, the exhaustion of comic book culture, Riff’s first guitar solo played on whale bones, eating tortilla chips in the microphone, and more.

Hit the jump for the terror, or check us out on iTunes.

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OMEGA-CAST #7: Don’t Call It A Comeback!

Woof! Like five fucking months since we cut the last podcast. Like two weeks since we recorded this new one. Listen, I work with assholes. What do you want with me? That’s neither here nor there. On the podcast: butt play, the console wars, Bateman’s gastric band, Thor, bathroom breaks, Smaug, swearing, caffeine, Star Wars talk (of course) and more.

Let’s fucking do this!

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OMEGA-CAST #6: The End of Summer Meltdown

Lay the plastic down underneath your feet, tighten your diaper, and get ready. The end of the summer brings the longest OL podcast yet. The gang cover a variety of topics inside its rotting walls. From a summer movie wrap-up, to Bateman’s insulin pumps. Featuring audio from both Caff’s recent squatchin’ trip where he talks Batfleck, and the Toronto Fan Expo where Budrickton recounts how he got Carrie Fisher to hold up a Yubstep t-shirt.

It’s all inside.

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OMEGA-CAST #5: Man, We Ain’t Got Nerd Cred!

The fifth OMEGA-CAST is in! During this transmission, the crew covers a shit load of disparate topics. There’s a final Boston Comic Con wrap-up. Caff-Pow brings up the idea that maybe the Crew OL isn’t esoteric enough for old school geeks. We also discuss Steven Moffat’s douchiness. How about some Wolverine talk? Finally we delve into the first mail bag, wherein Caff decides his jaeger’s name involves handjobs. Obviously.

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OMEGA-CAST #4 – BOSTON COMIC CON 2013 Destructo Edition

A special edition of the OMEGA-CAST, straight from the floor of Boston Comic Con. Riff Simian captures a raging Tomahawk regarding a complaint about our “Fuck Lucas” t-shirt. The beautiful Bride of Frankenstein checks in. Our momentary brush with Rich from Toucher and Rich. Rendar Frankenstein talks cosplay. Caffeine Powered’s significantly better half talking about his obsession with cocks and lightning bolts. Bazinga! shirts. Budrickton’s descent from Toronto into our funny sounding land. And other assorted bullshit and madness.

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