
Scientists want to build a giant telescope on the Moon to see into the Deep Past. I mean, fuck yes!

scientists want to build a giant moon telescope to see the deep past

A giant telescope on the Moon? Intended to see into the Deep Past? Oh fuck yeah. My dudes, this is the astronomical shit I’m all about.

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NASA has found evidence of ancient megafloods on Mars. The Red Planet fucking rules, dudes

nasa evidence of megafloods on mars

NASA is just cracking open Mars, dudes. Straight fucking finding all sort of dope-ass shit out about it. The latest little morsel of scrotum-tightening awesomeness is evidence of ancient megafloods on Mars. Megafloods!

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Jupiter’s moon Europa glows in the dark which is about as fucking rad as it gets!

jupiter's moon europa glows in the dark

Space! What cool fucking reveals do you have for us today? Oh! Jupiter’s moon Europa? It glows in the dark? Whelp, that is indeed fucking cool.

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Scientists have detected an unexplained glow in deep space. Don’t fuck with it, fellas!

scientists have detected an unexplained glow in deep space

On one hand, it’s pretty fucking cool that scientists have detected an unexplained glow. In the dark of deep space. On the other hand, you know, please don’t fuck with it.

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NASA’s mission to return Mars samples to Earth is approved by review board. Hell yeah, bring me some Red Planet!

independent review approves nasa mission to return mars sample to earth

An independent review board has signed off on NASA’s mission to return Mars samples to Earth. Fucking full stop! What else do you need to know? This is fucking sick.

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Dust storms on Mars are drying the planet out by throwing water from its atmosphere into space. Bro, chill! Chill!

dust storms on mars tossing water from its atmosphere into space

Mars is straight fucking itself up, man. Dust storms on Red Planet are drying it out. Sending the water from the atmosphere right into motherfucking space! You’re playing yourself, my dude.

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A stolen chunk of Earth’s Moon may be orbiting Mars! Give it back, Red Planet!

asteroid trailing mars chunk of earth moon

If the science-wizards are to be believed, a “stolen” chunk of Earth’s moon is orbiting Mars as an asteroid. What a fucking odd cosmos, man. But, I love it.

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NASA contacts Voyager 2 probe for first time since March thanks to Deep Space Network Dish!

nasa contacts voyager 2 probe first time deep space network dish

Voyager 2, baby! What the fuck is up? Great to hear from ya. Glad NASA could contact you for the first time since March using a Deep Space Network dish. Cause, fuck. You’ve missed some serious shit here on Earth.

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Unusual asteroid Psyche said to worth $10,000 quadrillion. Gimme a fucking bite!

unusual asteroid worth 10000 quadrillion

Motherfucker, the asteroid Psyche is worth a pretty penny. Specifically? $10,000 quadrillion. Like, legitimately. Let me just bite into that pig, spit out whatever I get, and flip it for some cash. The PS5’s headset ain’t gonna pay for itself, and the asteroid can spare it.

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NASA’s OSIRIS-REx probe has successfully stored asteroid rocks to bring back to Earth!

Oh fuckity fuck! NASA’s OSIRIS-REx probe has successfully stored the rocks it grabbed last week from the asteroid Bennu. Now, the motherfuckers are coming back to Earth. Like, how goddamn fantastic is this?

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