
Central Asian country Tajikistan has created its own planet in the solar system; named it after itself


Have to respect this power move by Tajikistan. Just up and creating its own planet. I mean, why not? With the villains and deadbeats of the Empire Proper generally disregarding science in the face of profit, why shouldn’t other nations throw empiricism and method to the wind? I applaud Tajikistan.

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Watch: Check out how futzing fast a space probe is in comparison to a plane


I say goddamn. A space probe is simply not futzing around when it comes to. Well. Probing space.

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Space Swoon: Ceres’ Lonely Mountain stands alone

The Lonely Mountain

Check out this lonely mountain. NASA’s Dawn space-craft sniped a lovely picture of it, just chilling in the southern hemisphere of the dwarf planet Ceres. Beckoning to us across space and time. To travel to it, to scale the peaks, to meet the space-elves that run their futuro-city from the top of the summit. Right?

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Watch: Video of Pluto fly-by made out of images from New Horizons

Space Swoon: An Aurora from the International Space Station

ISS Aurora

A gorgeous picture of the aurora from the International Space Station, taken by Scott Kelly.

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Space Swoon: Saturn’s Moon Dione got them chasms

Got them chasms

Beware! Chasms upon Saturn IV, daring you to embark on your fatal, final journey.

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Space Swoon: Hubble finds a “Mess of Stars”, we’re all better for it

Astronauts are eating the first space-grown vegetables, today. Lettuce celebrate!

Red Lettuce

Terrible pun! But this is pretty gnarly. Astronauts aboard the ISS are eating the first space-grown vegetables today, in the form of some seriously red romaine lettuce. To space! To Mars! To Andromeda! With ruffage!

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Space Swoon: Thor’s Helmet is the most metal nebula

Watch: Gorgeous view of Mars from orbit, courtesy the ESA’s Mars Express