NASA’s Curiosity Rover may be chilling right next to microbe burps on Mars.
When I burp, my wife vomits and the cats leave the room. When microbes on Mars burp, everyone jizzes in their pants. Like, I get it. But also show me some charity. My digestive track is just a collection of cheese and caffeine.
Study suggests Methane Plumes on Saturn’s moon Enceladus could be sign of alien life!
Are the methane plumes on Saturn’s moon Enceladus indicative of alien life? Maybe! And that’s enough to get my tits stiffening. Am I overreacting? Sure, maybe. Who knows. But. Listen, I’m fucking in on all potential signs of alien life. Microbes, methane plumes, whatever the fuck.
NASA finds more subsurface lakes on Mars. Probably frozen, but still rad as fuck
NASA scientists have identified more subsurface lakes on the Red Planet, folks. While they are likely frozen, I still find this to be a bad ass development.
Rocket Lab wins contract to build spacecraft for NASA’s Mars mission. Let’s fucking go!
Honestly, I ain’t never heard of Rocket Lab. That is until today, when it was announced they will be designing spacecraft for NASA’s Mars mission. Hey, whatever the fuck it takes! Hey, whomever the fuck it takes! Let’s get our asses to Mars.
NASA is returning to Venus for two missions by 2030. Study that fuckin’ protomolecule, fellas!
Absolutely no news about Venus missions would be complete without me being a dork. You know, referencing The Expanse and shit. So here we go! NASA is returning to Venus for two missions by 2030, and yup, you got it. Protomolecule time.
NASA’s Curiosity Rover gives sexy look at cloudy days on Mars
Cloudy days here on the Blue Marble? Fucking suck. Cloudy days on Mars? A novelty, especially when Curiosity sends back images of them.
Lockheed Martin and GM are building electric, autonomous Moon buggy. Zipping around Luna!
It’s nice to see Lockheed Martin taking another moment to develop something that isn’t designed to obliterate humans. Indeed, the company is teaming up with GM to build a rad ass Moon buggy! It is electric, autonomous, and ready to fucking zip.
NASA Rover detects organic salts on Mars. Could provide further proof of life on the Red Planet!
The NASA Rover has detected organic salts on the surface of Mars. While I’m too dumb to understand the true implications of this discovery, I do know that it portends well for the potential for life on the planet. Both in the past, and potentially the present. Fucking rad, man!
China’s Rover has sent back its first images of Mars. It’s a fucking party there now!
China’s got its own Rover on Mars and it’s sending back its own goddamn images of the planet. Between this and the obvious existence of UFOS it’s a fucking intergalactic party these days.
Hit the jump to check them out.
Freshly Made Interstellar Plutonium Has Been Found in Pacific Ocean. Space Up In Our Shit!
Some motherfucking cataclysmic event happened in outer space, and that shit sent interstellar plutonium into the Pacific ocean. Like, I love this sort of shit. Humanity usually thinks themselves divorced and separate from the cosmos. But nah, motherfucker! It’s definitely interacting with our asses, and this is a fantastic reminder.