Space Swoon: Cassini Captures Saturn From Above
NASA has hit the collective Us with another shot of Saturn from its Cassini spacecraft. This one captures the splendid, bald-ass dome-piece of the Ringed Giant.
Saturn’s North Polar Hexagon Changed Color from Blue To Orange
No big whup. Just Saturn’s North Polar Hexagon. It’s just changed its color, explicably, from blue to orange. No big whup, it’s just big enough to swallow our planet. And we don’t know why it changed color.
NASA Images Suggest the ExoMars Lander Exploded During Landing
Bummer! Big bummer for the European Space Agency. Images provided by NASA suggest that the ExoMars lander exploded as it attempted to land on the Red Planet.
Two New Dark Moons may be hiding near Uranus. Jokes Write Themselves
Researchers have discovered what appears to be two new Dark Moons. Lurking near Uranus. God is not without a sense of humor, it seems.
New Dwarf Planet found in our Solar System
AstronomerWizards have found themselves (and us!) a new Dwarf planet in our solar system. The motherfucker is like, way out there. But out there no less.
Watch: The Earth Rise from the JAXA Kaguya spacecraft
This week, the Japanese Space Agency released the first HD footage of the Earth Rise from the Moon. This footage, man. This footage is fucking stunning. Glory! Perspective! Now, just imagine HD footage from Mars. Okay, yeah, fine. This is only tangentially related. But it still gets my geek-gonads gooey.
Obama says NASA sending Humans to Mars by 2030s
Get us to Mars, NASA! Get us to Mars, Obama! If the two of them have their way, it’ll be by the 2030s, apparently.
Astronomers find a Massive Black Hole that’s Gone Rogue
Black Holes are, simply put, nothing to fuck with. So you can imagine the terror of a wandering Black Hole, that’s meandering about in the fucking cosmos. A Black Hole (capitalized intentionally, to shock and awe) that is 100,000 times the mass of our star.
Elon Musk has outlined his plan to go to Mars
Elon Musk has been talking about going to Mars for a long, hot minute. However this week Musk dropped the details of said trip, and they’re equal parts well thought out and bananas. I’m providing you with this assessment though, so it’s worth remembering I’m a fucking idiot. So take it for what it is worth. You know?
Hit jump for details!
NASA finds more evidence of Water Plumes on Europa
Elon Musk is taking our asses to Mars. Maybe. So like, can someone get on settling Europa? NASA has found further evidence of water plumes on the moon, furthering the idea that it has subsurface oceans. Fucking astounding.