
NASA and Google found first solar system with 8 planets like our own, Pluto is like pfft

nasa google solar system eight planets

NASA and Google have teamed-up to find a solar system like ours, sporting eight planets. Cool! I mean, cool? It’s neat.

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Bad Ass: Voyager 1’s thrusters have been fired up for the first time in 37 years

voyager 1 thrusters fired up 37 years

No big whup. NASA Wizards have just dusted off Voyager 1’s old as fuck code, and successfully fired up its thrusters for the first time in 37 goddamn years.

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Space Swoon: Earth viewed from 10,000 miles away is resplendent as fuck

earth 10000 miles away

Drink in some perspective, swine! Do so by checking out this glorious image of Earth, taken some 10,000 miles away.

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Scientists discover interstellar object flying through our solar system. Aliens taking a peek at our calamities, if you ask me

scientists interstellar object solar system

In a pretty bad ass moment for astronomy, scientists have discovered an interstellar object hurtling through our solar system. It’s the fuckin’ first, dude.

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Space Swoon: Cassini captures Saturn’s gorgeous clouds

nasa cassini saturn cloud swirls

Here’s just Cassini, doing more Cassini-type dope ass shit.

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Elon Musk reveals first look at the SpaceX space suit. It’s science-fiction porn, dude

elon musk spacex space suit

Man. The SpaceX space suit is hot as fuck. Like, who knows if they’ll ever actually go anywhere wearing them, but they’re sexy to look at. Plus, it’s fucking functional.

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Space Swoon: Jupiter gets a gorgeous new close-up, courtesy of two scientists

nasa new view of jupiter

Jupiter. Just doing Jovian things. Looking beautiful as fuck.

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Space Swoon: Cassini captures Titan’s haze for our enjoyment

cassini titan haze

Titan’s fuckin’ hazy, breh. Check out said haze in yet another gorgeous capture from Cassini.

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Space Swoon: Cassini captures Saturn’s hazy horizon

cassini saturn horizon

Cassini is just clutch-ass gorgeous pictures, dudes. Nothing more to say, especially not with my head cold doubling back, and my lungs full of phlegm-ass star dust or whatever.

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Space Swoon: This Barred Spiral Galaxy is glorious, and a mere 30 million light-years away

ngc 2500 barred spiral galaxy

Want to check out NGC 2500? I fuckin’ get it, I do. Just set your course to its location. You know, 30 million light-years away. I’m right behind you! Seriously.

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