
Chandra observatory detects mass coronal ejection from another star. Just spewing its fucking space guts!

chandra mass coronal ejection star

The Chandra observatory has picked up another star just absolutely spewing its space guts. Yup, it detected a coronal mass ejection from a star other than our own.

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Astronomers have found a “forbidden planet” in the Neptunian desert. Space fucking rules, dudes

astronomers forbidden planet

Only space can deliver such a fucking headline, right? A forbidden planet, found. A Neptunian desert, present.

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Mars has massive amount of water frozen beneath its North Pole. Can we go there, yet? Please?

martian north pole water

I say g’damn! Scientists have identified a massive amount of fucking water frozen beneath the Martian North Pole. How much, you ask? Well if it were to melt, it would submerge the entire planet.

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Jupiter’s Great Red Spot is “unraveling” cause nothing golden can stay, my dudes

jupiter great red spot unraveling

Jupiter’s Great Red Spot? That motherfucking storm on the planet that’s bigger than Earth? Yeah, it’s currently unraveling.

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Pluto has a buried ocean kept liquid by a layer of gas. And, it may contain life! Gimme a hell yeah!

Got a couple of really rad news and notes regarding the solar system’s favorite non-planet, Pluto! First up! The planet may harbor a buried ocean! Second up! Said oceans may harbor life.

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NASA is teaming up with SpaceX and Blue Origin to design a lunar lander for humans. Get our asses to the Moon!

nasa spacex blue origin lander

NASA is very fucking serious about getting to the Moon again in the near future. The latest sign? The agency is teaming-up with SpaceX and Blue Origin to design a lander.

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Milky Way Galaxy has holes in it from a “dense bullet” of something. Scientists got no idea, and I love it

milky way galaxy holes

Another day, another fucking mystery in the cosmos. The latest? Oh, you know. The Milky Way Galaxy has fucking holes in it from a dense bullet of something. Amazing.

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Hubble captures gorgeous-ass spiral galaxy. Space is the damn place, my dudes!

hubble spiral galaxy

Hubble! Doing work, per usual. Sharing gorgeous glimpses into the cosmos, per usual.

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Pluto’s atmosphere is going to completely freeze in 11 years. Dope event in our lifetime alert!

pluto atmosphere frozen

Pretty rad stuff to happen in our lifetime: Pluto’s atmosphere is going to completely freeze in 11 years. Winter only hits Pluto every 248 Earth years, and it’s arriving in 2030.

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Mars got some gnarly landslides at volcanic plains called the Cerberus Fossae. This entire headline fucking rules!

mars landslides

Mars! Got itself some fucking volcanic plains! And some fucking landslides! Man, I’m down for all of this.

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