
Scientists find signs on Mars of an ancient river that may have flowed for 100,000 years. Fuck, that’s rad

scientists mars ancient rivers

Man, how fucking cool is this? An ancient river may have been running on Mars for 100,00 years. 100,000 fucking years!

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NASA picks Elon Musk’s SpaceX, Jeff Bezos’s Blue Origin to build lunar landers for manned moon mission. Privatize the Cosmos, baby!

nasa moon missions spacex blue origin

NASA has chosen SpaceX and Blue Origin to build motherfucking lunar landers for the next manned moon missions! Man, I’m torn. Elon Musk is such a fucking tool that it’s hard to get stoked for SpaceX building lunar landers. Same goes for that fuck face Jeff Bezos. But, I gotta admit. New manned moon missions make my tits hard.

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Space Swoon: The International Space Station transits the Sun. Goddamn scope, yo.

international space station transit sun

Check out this fantastic image by Andrew McCarthy of the International Space Station as it transits the sun. And, man. Look at the fucking scope of that big blast furnace compared to the ISS.

Hit the jump for the full image!

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NASA has found an Earth-Sized Habitable Zone Planet in old ass Kepler data. Thought you got away, eh?

earth sized habitable zone planet kepler

NASA has found some interesting shit in old Kepler data! Specifically, an Earth-sized planet in the Habitable Zone. Sorry, exoplanet! You can’t hide from our monkey asses.

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Scientists have observed the biggest supernova ever detected. Space simply does not fuck around!

scientists biggest supernova ever

Scientist-Wizards have observed the biggest supernova ever. The motherfucker was found to be “releasing twice as much energy as any other stellar explosion observed to date, occurred about 4.6 billion light years from Earth” in a rather small galaxy. Don’t judge a goddamn star by its galaxy, I guess. None the less, insane. Rad.

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Saturn’s upper atmosphere may be so damn hot thanks to auroras in its north and south poles!

auroras saturn hot upper atmosphere

So, I didn’t know that Saturn’s upper atmosphere was inexplicably hot. But, now I do! And thanks to science, I know why that may be the case. Auroras!

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Living microbes deep beneath Earth seafloor points to hopeful possibility of life on Mars

mars living microbes deep beneath seafloor life

A shit load of microbes have been found living in clay-rich rocks on the Pacific seafloor. Why give a shit about this? Probably myriad reasons, but most importantly for us space nerds? Speaks to the same possibility existing on Mars!

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Space Swoon: Hubble captures a cannibal galaxy. The cosmos continues to be metal as all fuck!

hubble cannibal galaxy

Here’s some cosmic distraction, friends. The Hubble has captured a cannibal galaxy. The motherfucker NGC 4651 consumed a smaller galaxy, to give birth to the glorious one we see today.

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Space Swoon: Check out the Milky Way’s Galactic Center! Get off this wild planet, but for a moment!

nasa milky way galactic center

NASA has dropped a gorgeous view of the Milky Way’s galactic center. It’s just enough to get away for a moment from the global pandemic. To bask in some glorious cosmic perspective, you know?

Hit the jump to check it out in its full glory.

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Astronomers have found a metal-as-fuck planet where it rains liquid iron. Gimme a hell yeah to the heavy metal cosmos!

astronomers planet rains liquid iron

Man, sometimes the cosmos really is metal as fuck! I mean, a planet that rains liquid iron? Oh hell yes.

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