TESS has found the first Earth-sized planet in its star’s habitable zone. Fucking hell yeah!
TESS was launched in 2018 with the hopes of finding small planets around nearby stars’ habitable-zone. And, whelp! The motherfucker has done it. How goddamn rad is this?
NASA announces that there’s water all over the Moon. That crusty old thing surprises!
NASA has dropped their big announcement regarding the Moon. And? Turns out there’s evidence of water all over that motherfucker! Like, they’ve even detected water molecules on the surface.
Space Swoon: Check out these cliffs in ancient ice on Mars!
Mars! Fucking styling. Fucking profiling! Sporting some cliffs in ancient ice.
NASA spacecraft has found evidence of ancient rivers on the asteroid Bennu. Holy shit, right?
A NASA spacecraft has found evidence of ancient rivers. On an asteroid. Specifically, Bennu. And like, holy shit. Right?
Space Swoon: Iris Nebula is worth a good look! Get it? Iris? Eh!
NASA’s dropped a sexy image of the Iris Nebula for our pleasure. And, it is a pleasure indeed!
The Moon may be littered with rocks from Ancient Venus. Let’s go fucking get them!
Venus is the Real King Shit these days of our solar system. Maybe sporting life. Totally the star of The Expanse. And now? Scientists suspect our own Moon may be littered with rocks from Ancient Venus. I say, fuck yeah! Let’s go check it out.
Astronomers have found 24 Exoplanets that may be better than Earth for life. 24 damn Exoplanets!
Here’s a fucking find, friends. Astronomers have found 24 exoplanets that may be better than Earth for life. Like, okay, fine. The operative word is probably “may”, I’ll admit it. Still, pretty cool.
Astronomers claim they’ve spotted multiple bodies of liquid water on Mars. Get our asses there!
Holy moly, motherfuckers! A group of Italian scientists claimed they’ve found liquid water on Mars. Like, multiple bodies worth. Fucking radical, man.
NASA finds evidence of “fresh ice” on Saturn’s Moon Enceladus! God bless the Snowball Moon!
NASA has found evidence of fresh ice on Enceladus, friends! And, you fucking guessed it, this could be good news for the potential for life on the moon.
Discovery of foul gas on Venus hints at possible presence of life. Possible, okay? But still rad!
Hell yeah! There are signs of a possible presence of life on Venus. Now, we should probably pay attention to the word “possible”, right? I agree. But it’s still fun to get excited. I mean, no?